Chapter 1

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        Its been a while since I could barely sleep. My big brother, Jamie, comes into my room. "Cierra wake up! Time to get ready for your first day of school", Jaime said while opening my curtains. "Go away I don't want to go to that new school", I muttered. Jamie pulls me out of bed and takes me to the bathroom. "You wouldn't", I yelled. "Come on. Get dressed then", Jamie said evilly smiling. I give in and eventually get ready. Starting a new life in a new country is not fun but I'm up for whatever. I put on some grey leggings, green tank top, black flannel shirt, and some grey high tops. I curl my hair and put a little make up on. I make my way downstairs. "There's my baby sister. You took forever nena", Jamie said. "Just get me to school already so I can get out of there already", I say. I go to the car with Jamie and he takes me to school. "Have fun. Text me if you need me", Jamie says before leaving. I make my way to the office. A older woman greets me. "Hello. You must be Cierra Rodriguez", she said. "Yes ma'am that's me", I say with a smile. "You aren't from Australia are you?" she asks. "Nope. I'm from the United States", I answer. "Well Cierra here is your schedule, Calum would you give her a tour of the school?" she gives me my schedule. A boy with brown eyes and a smile answered, "Sure Mrs. Ashley". "I'm Calum Hood and we have first lesson together", Calum said. "I'm Cierra", I tell him. "Your accent is so cute. What is it?" Calum asked. "I'm Mexican and thanks", I giggled. Calum takes me to our first lesson which is Math. We walk in and I walk up to the teacher. "Hello I'm new here. I'm Cierra", I smiled. "My dear. I'm your teacher Mr. Peyton", Mr. Peyton smiled. "Cierra why don't you tell the class about yourself?" he said. "I'm Cierra Rodriguez. I just moved here from the United States, I'm Hispanic, and that's all", I said shyly. ."Cierra why don't you take a seat next to Ashton and Calum", Mr. Peyton said. I go and take a seat next to them. Ashton is smiling at me. After the lesson Calum started to introduce me to his friends. "Guys this is Cierra. Cierra this is Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford", Calum said. The boy with curly hair smiles, "Well Hi Cierra". The boy with the blue, purple, and black hair in his hair said, "I'm Michael". "Nice to meet you guys", I said with a smile. "Calum where's Luke?" Ashton asked. "I have no idea. Oh Cierra and the other one of my friends is Luke" Calum said. "Oh great to know" I said looking at my schedule. "We have French together" Michael said. "Yay" I smiled. "Oh Cece the rest of the lesson you do tomorrow" Calum said. "Yeah so you go French with Michael and we should all hang out later" Ashton said. "Totally give me all your numbers" I asked. They all gave me this numbers. Michael then shows me where our French class is. I get a text.


Heyah! Its Ashton.


Hi Ash.


excited for after your lesson? You could meet Luke today after school.


Ohhhh fun. Yeah that would be cool.

Ashton and I exchanged a couple more text till Michael poked me. "Oi, cecebear ready? We got to meet the guys by the field since they went to play with Luke" Michael said. "Well that sounds great but I need to text my brother to tell him I'm not coming home till later" I said. "Or we go to your house" Michael suggested as we walked towards the guys. "Uh I'm not sure if that's a good idea" I looked down. "CECE!" Calum and Ashton yelled in unison. All of a sudden I'm tackled to the ground. "Ow!" I yelled. "Oi, guys get off of her. Are you okay Cece?" Michael asked as he helped me up. "Mhmm" I said. Someone then clears their throat. He had blonde hair, electric blue eyes, and was extremely tall. "Oh yeah Cierra this is Luke. Luke this is Cierra."Ashton introduced us. "Hiya. Nice to meet you Cierra" Luke said shyly. "Nice to meet you too Luke Uh" I smiled. "Hemmings" Luke said with a smile. "So where are we going?" Ashton asked. "Cierra's place right babe?" Michael said. "Uh I guess" I said. "Well then let's go!" Calum and Luke say. "Okay but I have to make a quick call" I said as I called Jamie. Jamie answers.

Jamie: Hello?
Cierra: Ay vamos tiener vista. (We are going to have vistors)
Jamie: Who?
Cierra: Unos amigos (Some friends)
The guys looked at me confused. i giggled at them.
Jamie: Finally
Cierra: Oh shut up cabron......Seas Malo (don't be mean)
Jamie: No promises

I hang up the phone. The boys look at me. "What?" I ask. "What did you just say on the phone?" Cal asked. "Oh I was just making sure it was okay if you guys came over. I do have to ask you know" I said. We walked to my house. Jamie opens the door. "Neña! You are finally home!" Jamie says. "Hi yeah well Jamie this is Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael" I introduced the guys. "Wow nice house" Michael and Ashton say together. "Thanks" I say. They all come in and we go to the basement. "XBOX!" Michael screams. "Oh yeah you can play if you would like?" I said. Ashton and Michael pal while Calum watched. I sat next to Luke. "So where are you from?" Luke asks. "The United States" I answered. "Your accent it doesn't sound like its American" Luke says. "Well I'm Mexican" I say. "What brings you to Sydney?" Luke asks. "Mom thought it would be a good idea to spend time with my brother" I say looking down. Well it wasn't a lie. My mom didnt want me. I reminded her of my dad. A tear escapes my eye. "You okay?" Luke asks. "Y-y-yeah s-s-s-sorry" I stutter. Luke wipes my tears. "You want to talk about it Ce?" Luke asks. "No thanks Hemmings." I say. An hour goes by and Luke is the last one at my house. "Want to play 20 questions?" Luke asks. "Sure" I say. "Whats your full name?" Luke asks. "Cierra Salina Chavez Torres. Whats yours?" I say. "Lucas Robert Hemmings. How many siblings do you have?" Luke asks. "Two brothers and a step sister what about you?" I ask. "Two brothers....... I'm the youngest" Luke says. "Awww poor Lukey Pukey" I say. "Why did you just call me Lukey Pukey? " Luke asks. "Because its funny" i said. "Whatever you say Ce" Luke says. "You need to give me your number" I tell him. "Give me your phone"Luke says. I gave him my phone and he puts his number in and his name as LUKEYBOOBIES4LIFE. I put my number in his phone and saved it under CECEISTHEBEST. "Neña! Are you hungry?" Jamie called. "Yeah we'll be up in a minute" I say. "Why does he call you that?" Luke asks. "Because I'm short" i say laughing. Someone calls Luke. He answers.

LUKE: whats up
VICKI: baby where are you?
I look at Cece.
LUKE:OUT stop calling me.
VICKI:dont be like that Lukey.
I hang up. Cece looks at me. "I'm sorry it was just my brother Ben" i say. "Its okay. Come on lets go eat." She says. "Maybe I should head home. I been here way too long." I say. "You sure?" She says. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow" I say. With that I left I walked home thinking about Cece.

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