Chapter 10

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wake up in an unfamiliar place. I see a sleeping Luke next to me. I kiss his lips. He slowly opens his eyes. "I can get use to this" Luke says with a smile. "Good Morning to you too" I say. "How are you feeling  beautiful?" He says. "Hungry" I say. "Come on let's feed you" Luke says getting up and putting on some jeans  and a tshirt. We go downstairs. I see Jack and Ben. "Good Morning" I say. "Where's mum and dad?" Luke asks. "Morning. They are at work" Ben says. I see Luke getting stuff from the fridge. "Are you really going to cook?" Jack laughed. I go on twitter and take a picture. 

@Little_Cece09: Awee he's making me breakfast 😍 @Luke5SOS.

My phone starts ringing. It's Calum. 

Cece: Hello?

Calum: Hey Cece is Luke with you? We are bored.

Luke: Wanna Come over and play some futball?

Calum: We are on our way

I hung up. "Boys get ready the lads are on they're way" Luke said. "Luke can I borrow another shirt?" I asked. "Yeah babe Jack is there any shorts or anything left here by Celeste?" Luke asked. "Yeah I have some shorts upstairs I'm pretty sure they fit" Jack got up. "Come on babe" Luke said. We follow Jack upstairs. Jack gives me a pair of jean shorts. "Thanks" I smile and walk back to Luke's room. I change and put on my glasses I had in my purse. I head back downstairs. "You wear glasses?" Luke asked. "I do" I said. The doorbell goes off. "I got it" Ben yelled. "BEN!" We had a big crash. We rushed to Ben and see the boys had tackled Ben to the ground. "Get your fat asses off" Ben screamed. "Let's go to the park" I suggested. "I got the ball let's go" Jack said. We walked to the park. "Ready to go down Lukey Pukey" Mikey says. "Your ass is going to lose" I said. "We will see" Ash says. We play some soccer it's me, Jack, and Ben against the boys.  "20 to Neil" Jack says. "WE WIN!" I screamed. "NO fair your boyfriend let you win" Mikey said. "Really Luke... Me Vs You only" I said. "we will be the crowd" Calum said.  "Lets make this interesting.. If i win you have to sing everytime I say Taco and if you win.." I said. "You have to sing 3 shows on tour" Luke finishes. "Fine" I said. "Kiss on it" Luke said. We kiss on it. We start the game. "Come on Cierra...kick Luke's ass C-I-E-R-R-A!" The boys cheered.  We are tied. "Damn you guys are really meant for each other it's creepy" Mikey says. "Well both of you lost" Ash says. "So both of you are screwed. Cece you are singing in front of fans and Luke you are singing whenever she says TACOS!" Cal starts laughing. "Shiiit I have to get home" Ash starts running. "I have to get back before mum realizes I'm not home" Cal runs too. "Well I'ma go too so it's not awkward" Mikey left. "Lewi we'll see you at home" Jack said. "Bye Cece it was nice meeting you" Ben says.   After everyone left we went back to my house. Jamie isn't home. We go upstairs to my room. We laid down. I start to kiss Luke. We start to make out. I get on top of him. His tongue begs for entrance. I let his tongue come into my mouth. I grind against him. I feel something against my thigh. I sit up and look at him as I bit my lip.  I get off f him. "You tease" Luke breathes. "You better go fix that" I giggled. Luke gets up and rushes to the bathroom. I hear moaning coming from the bathroom. 20 mins later Luke come back with his hair wet. "Lets watch a movie or something" I suggested.  Luke's phone starts to ring.


Luke: Hello?

Simon: Luke? I change my mind about tour. You guys will come on tour in three days.

Luke: I have to call the lads

I hang up and quickly dial Mikey. Cece looks at me.

Mikey: Hello?

Luke: Meet at Cece's like right now

Mikey: I'll get the boys

I hang up. "Luke what's going on?" Cece asks worried. "I'll tell you as soon as all the boys are here" I tell her. The boys are here 10 mins later. "So what's so important?" The boys asked. "We leave on tour in 3 days." I say. The boys go crazy with excitement. I noticed Cece look down at her phone. She frowns but then quickly smiles. "Excuse me I'm going to start dinner" Cece leaves quickly. "I'll go talk to her" Cal says. "No I got it" Ash leaves to the kitchen.


So I hear you are going to England.. I'll see you soon Babygirl Don't you miss me? I can't wait to see you ❤︎-C

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