Sunshine, lollipops and shut the fuck up

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Well fuck this shit I don't want to fucking get up. Yeah but your not going to be able to have your run and have a shower and feed Seamus and eat breakfast and make it to the bus on time if you don't get your lazy ass out of bed NOW!

Fine you win.

Yes lady's and gentlemen I am having a 2 sided conversation in my head. Well now I guess it's 3...

SHUT THE FUCK UP!!4 now. IM WARNING YOU!! Ok ok not another peep.I think to myself getting out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I walk to my walk in closet and grab my shorts and a sports bra. Quickly changing, I head to the bathroom to brush out my hair before pulling it into a high ponytail with a lime green pro-rap headband to keep my bangs out if my face. I walk out of the bathroom, and straight out the door.

After 10 minutes of stretching I start off with a light jog.

I run along my well worn path down through the fields and and the forest and stop at the creek. I stop on the bridge and look out on the small trickle of water flowing over the rocks, babbling away to its self.

I wonder what it would be like to be a creek... To flow freely with no concerns no one telling what to do who to be. Hmmmmmmmm. That would be great.


7:45 fuck. I took the long way back and apparently took to long because I still have to have a shower and get dressed in 20 minutes if I want to catch the bus on time.

I run to my closet and grab a pair of straight skinny army patterned pants. From my dresser I grab a black v-neck and the other important things.

I dump my stuff off on a chair in the bathroom. Stripping down I turn on

the shower. Letting the cool water run over my tall lean/ muscular body I shudder at the thought of what I have to do today. Suppressing more thoughts of that sort, I busy myself by washing my hair and rinsing down my body.

When I'm done I turn the water off and hop out of the shower. Quickly drying myself off I slip into my clothes and grab the blow dryer.

As I blow dry my hair my mind wanders to Peter Pan. It was my favourite movie and book as a kid and I guess you could say it still is...The one line that always seems to stick out is the line were Peter says,"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." That line played through my head till I was finished drying my hair. Brushing it out one last time it falls into its natural super straightness.

OH FUUUUUUCK!!!! It's mother fucking 8:00! The fucking bus will be here soon. Damn it. Running out of the bathroom I grab the monkey food and put in the bowl "yo Seamus come get your food!" That's right ladies and gentlemen I "yo" my monkey.

"Se ya man" I say walking over to my sound system and removing my iPhone. I slid it into my pocket with one hand as I scoop up my bag with the other. I run to the door, grabbing my board along the way. Slamming the door behind me I set my board down and jump on, riding it down to the gates...

I get to the gates just in time to see the bus pull away. FUCK!!!!!!!! Now how the hell am I gonna get to school. Well actually that's a stupid question. There is about 125 different ways for me to get to school. I could get James to drive me in the limo, I could get someone to take me in the helicopter, i could call the bus line people and bribe them into sending the bus to come and get me, I could walk, I could board or I could use one of Greg's 120 cars and motorcycles 3 of which are mine. Hmmmm it would take to long to board or walk and the helicopter and limo are out of the question. The bus people are all asses. Which leaves me driving... Now which car? The yellow Camaro like from transformers or a convertible or my Yamaha. Hmmmm defiantly not the convertible and the Yamaha is kinda a pain when it comes to bringing my board around. I guess that leaves the Camaro.

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