"Hello? " a voice says through the PA system.

"Hi" mr Tonkiss reply's.

"Can you pick up please?" The voice says.

Mr Tonkiss fumbles around with the mess of papers at his desk before smiling in triumph as he pulls the form from somewhere within.




"I'm not sure let me ask"

"Is there a Jessica Zimmers in this class?" He says turning to face the class.

What the hell why does who ever want me?

"Umm that would be me." I say putting up my hand.

Half of the class looks around as if just realizing I was in this class, then turning around and whispering to there friends or texting them.

The teacher on the other hand gave me a look to say something along the lines of DaFuck!? Then when're back to the phone. A few more incoherent words were exchanged before I was informed I was wanted at guidance.

I grab my bag and head out the door. I take my sweet time heading to guidance, I mean its on the other side of the school and its not my fault that they just so happen to have put the vending machines on the way. Therefore forcing me to buy something and then not hurrying because I would like to finish my bag of chips first.

I walk into guidance a total of 15 minutes and 57 seconds after I left the class.

"Jessica?" The lady at the desk asks.

"That would be me." I say.

"Mr Hayes would like to see you" she says pointing towards the third door.

I walk towards it and stand awkwardly in the doorframe waiting for him to notice my presence. It doesn't take long for him to turn around.

He handsome for a teacher, he looks like he belongs in Australia, fadded, straight jeans, a blue button up shirt and sandy eyes. His hair is brown with highlighted tips. yup a definate aussi

"Ah you must be Jessica, I'm mr Hayes." He says standing up and extending his hand. I shake. HAHA victory most definatly an aussi hes go the accent. wow i need a life.

"please have a seat" ha says motioning to the chair across from his desk.

I fling my backpack under the chair and sit down.

"So in the girls gym class one of the girls has decided to dropout. I know you put gym down as one of you electives but the classes were already full and now that there is an open spot would to like it? I will take up your spare period 3."

Hmmm that's a stupid question. Sit around and do homework or workout????

"I'll take it thanks"

"Ok so here is your new schedule ms smith will be your gym teacher and I believe that they are in gym one today. You know we're your going right?"

I nod my head.

"Ok then with that you are free to go"

Thanks I say grabbing my bag and walking out the door. Hmm 29 minutes till vocals.... I think I need another bag of chips and maybe a chocolate bar...

A/N ok I know that was a long wait for such a short crappy chapter but hey what can I say? I get distracted and to be honest I have WAY better ideas taking up space for later on in the story :)

Peace bitches!


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