Errr... sure?

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  • Dedicated to To All The Girls Who No Longer Give A Fuck

Look its her. yes her. shes really good. i didn't she could talk, let alone sing.

whispers like this have been following me since second aka vocals . i cant get away from it . it is thankfully 4th so i get to go home soon but then again i really don't feel like staying there either....

"Um excuse me." my thoughts are disrupted by Amelia. " hi um I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out after school today. Umm i know i don't know you all that well but i think you would be really cool to hang out with and um" 

Oh shit like i want to go.*sarcasm* It would just be awkward not to mention they would expect me to probably go shopping and I don't do shopping.

I just shake my head no.

"Oh. oh well how about you eat lunch with me and Natasha tomorrow ?

"umm sure." i was going to go up to the roof and practice my moves on my board.oh well.

"cool i'll come and find you then? " she says then turns on her heels and walks back to her desk next to Natasha, who did not look so pleased.

Half the class is staring at me. i don't think i can take it anymore. Getting up I walk out of the classroom. Going straight to my locker I dump my books off and grab my board.

Getting out of the school ASAP I head straight for the place were I can be alone and in peace, dads grave.


*at the gravesite*

Sliding my board into my backpack I shimmy up a tree and stare at his grave.

My dad died 18 years ago. I was 6 at the time. Life has been different since dad left. Sure you would expect that, mean a big part of your life is gone in the blink of an eye. For the first 3 months me and mom did nothing but cry. Then one day she got up and whent to work. 2 weeks later she comes home and tells me she's getting married again. They got married a month latter. I never new Greg till the day of the wedding. And to be honest I wish I never new him at all. He's a annoying brat who acts like he's 6, but he's rich so I suppose that gives him a excuse. He's something like the 5th richest man in the world. he gives me everything and anything i want. it makes me sound like a spoild bitch but really i dont ask for much. I think I have only ever asked for 1 thing in the 10 years I've lived with him. And it's kinda stupid, I am fucking 20 years old, and I'm going to collage but they won't let me move out. All I ever asked for was my skateboard. The rest he pretty much gives me the other stuff. like for my 16th birthday he got me a yellow Yamaha FZ6R motorcycle. And a few years before that he got some builders in to build a indoor skatepark insides one of his 15 garages, which has transformed into my lair.

He doesn't really take any interest in what u do, the only reason he gets me the things I wouldn't mind is because he pays someone to talk to the staff and find out what I'm up to then they come up with a list of things to buy for me and gives it to Greg.

He used to ask mom. Me and mom used to be like twins even if I was only 6. But about a year after she married Greg she started to change. slowly at first, it started with different clothes, like she wore more pink and frilly clothing. Then it became skimpy then finally slutty.

The worst part was that she wanted me to change to. She wanted me to be her little minnie- me Barbie doll. The thing was that I went with it. Around the age of 9 she wanted me to dye my hair blond. I freaked out. My hair and my eyes are basically the only things that made me look like dad, they were one of my last connections. Like I said I freaked. I completely rebelled. I went from being a goody too shoes to a total rebel. I went from being a total goody too shoes to a rebel. I started wearing dark clothes and became very anti-social. And the little chatterbox shut the fuck up.

My iPhone brought me back to the present, with a small beep telling me someone texted me. Checking it I see its from James. He's I suppose you could say the closest thing I have to a friend. His mom works for Greg as a chef and so she and James pretty much live in the house. When I first got my boar it was James who taught me how to use it. He's a few years older then me being, 19 and out of school he works for Greg also as the chauffeur. Wen I say the chauffeur I should really say my chauffeur. If mom or Greg want to go anywhere they take the butler cause they "don't trust the young one". Anywho the txt read as follows:

J: were the fuck r u? I have moms groceries and she will kill me if in late again.

Me and James have never really been on a very professional level.

Me: I'm at the yard ill board back just go home.

J: u should get home Greg said something about a "family meeting"

Sighing I look at the time and clim down the tree and head home.

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