Back it up Bitches.

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I arrive at school early. Most of the teacher were still arriving, funny how that works. I can get to school early even if I miss the bus. Hmm I might have to do this more often save myself from the bumpy bus. Getting out of my car I realize I have nowhere to go. Normally my bus is the last one to arrive so I just head straight to class, but since no one is here yet and I really don't feel like sitting in an empty classroom. Classroom. Oh god class. Vocals class. I really can't do this. Yeah and you can't also have a mental breakdown in the middle off the school parking lot. K that's it. I reach into my backpack and pull out a packet of cigarets and my lighter. I pull one out if the packet and suff the rest in my back pocket. Lightning it up I take a long puff.

Yeah I know it doesn't add up, I mean a sporty girl who is a bit of a health nut smokes? WTF. But actually it calms me down, I don't do it to be cool or to make me look badass I do it because it seems to clear my mind and think. Also it's a nervousness habit.

Buses and cars slowly trickle into the parking lot, groups begin to form as more and more people arrive. I don't really pay attention and keep to myself, sitting on the hood of the Camaro with my board as I fiddle with the wheels.

"Holy fuck! Is that a 2013 Camero???" A voice comes out of nowhere. Looking up I see its the schools jock, Mitch, walking towards me followed by a good proportion of the school body.

" yeah man 0 to 60 in 6.4 seconds why?" I reply, I'm not all that comfortable with the attention but were talking cars and that's a comfortable subject for me.

"Damn how much was it?" Someone tells from behind a Mitch.

"Well I didn't pay for it but it was most likely around 38350$ plus the racing stripes cost a few hundred."

"Holy crap! How the hell did you pay for that???"

Okkkk not a question I am all that willing to answer.

"Why do you care?" Was the only "smartass" retort I could think of on the spot.

"Woah! Man, chill I was just asking" Mitch says putting his hands up as a surrender.

"That should do it" I say turning back to my board and skewing in the last one into place on my board.

I getting up I sling my backpack over my shoulder and walk to the middle if the lot were there are few cars.

Much to my dismay the crowd follows.

"Can you actually use that thing or is it just for show?" A girls voice pops up. Followed by an "excuse me!" The crowd parts as Emily flanked by Amelia comes walking through.

"Hey Mitchy."Emily says,scrapping herself over him and leaning in for a kiss..

"Hey Em" he says kissing her and rolling his eyes.

Wow what a happy couple.

"That's a sweet bored man, can I try?" One of Mitch's friends, Justin maybe, says reaching for my board.

I grab his arm and swing it behind his back. Pushing him up against the nearest car. "Don't you fucking dare! This is my life and you don't fucking touch it. Got it?" He nodded his head feebly. I let him go and hope on ma board.

"Back it up bitches, this shit about to get real." I murmur to my self before launching into a shit load of tricks.

A/N sorry for the long wait bitches but I got really distracted with ideas for others story's and for stuff later on in this one. Plus I decided the sequel to this book is going to be a one direction fan fiction so keep reading cause ur bored as fuck and I'm going to shut up now cause I thought all this with no mental breath and yeah

Peace out bitches


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