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  • Dedicated to All The Girls Who No Longer Give A Fuck

I know you're somewhere out there

Somewhere far away

I want you back

I want you back

My neighbours think I'm crazy

But they don't understand

You're all I have

You're all I have

At night when the stars

Light on my room

I sit by myself

Talking to the moon, tryin' to get to you

In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too

Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous

The talk of the town

They say I've gone mad

Yeah, I've gone mad

But they don't know what I know

'Cause when the sun goes down

Someone's talking back

Yeah, they're talking back

At night when the stars

Light on my room

I sit by myself

Talking to the moon, tryin' to get to you

In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too

Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon

Do you ever hear me calling?

'Cause every night

I'm talking to the moon, still tryin' to get to you

In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too

Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there

Somewhere far away

the song finishes just as i enter one of my favorite classes, Vocals, art being my other favorite. I Love them both, and, unlike most of my class mates they come easily to me, i don't have to work at them.

I walk to the back of the room, as usual, throwing my bag under my chair, i sit down.

"good morning class my name is ms Dolkis. i will be your teacher for the rest of the year because your previous teacher Mr Frayer, is retiring."

A new teacher. Oh goody.* please note the sarcasm*

"OK so to start off i want you all to stand up and we'll do some stretches." Groaning the whole class gets up ad for he next ten minutes are spent stretching and exercising our voices.

"So now that that is over with, just so i can get a feel on how everyone sings. so I'm gonna call your names and your just going to sing out part of a song. i can be any song as long as it's appropriate."

she wen threw the hole class and a variation of songs were sung. some brilliantly and some.... not so much. some people had plenty of talent and some were as skilled as shit. and shit has no talent. Any who she went through the whole class till she came to me.

"Jessica Zimmers?" she reads off the list and looks up hopefully. everyone in the class turns around to look at me. Fuck she actually wants me to do this? I was hoping one of the other teachers had tipped her off that you just ignore me. but no of course they didn't.

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