First Appointment, Must not Disappoint

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Subaku, Uzumaki, Nara, Lee, and of course Uchiha have their first appointment to BAS.

 Sasuke grumbled walking in a detail* with Nara, Uzumaki, Lee, and Subaku, who was calling cadence in the back of the detail like a monotone recording.

"Hut, two, three, four!" Subaku called. "Detail halt." He announced as the group came to an active roadway. "Roadrunners post." Everything he said sounded like he was dead inside, which Sasuke assumed he probably was, given his deep eyebags, his lack of sleeping the night before and the fact that he was in the military. Giving it more thought, Sasuke couldn't blame him for how he sounded, not that he could tolerate it though. It seemed that he wasn't the only one annoyed.

"Okay, I can't stand it anymore! I may not be the shortest, but please let me call cadence." He turned to glare at Subaku, "you called cadence like a dead man. I mean do you even have a command voice?" The blonde alpha asked angrily.

"Yes I do, how about you just shut your mouth before I use my command voice and make you?" The red haired alpha sneered.

"How about both of you shut your damn mouths so we can get to our appointments on time like we're supposed to be?" Uchiha snapped.

Uzumaki and Subaku reluctantly shut up, knowing that Uchiha was right. They switched places in the detail and continued their walk again with Uzumaki calling cadence from the back. Sasuke had to admit, Uzumaki's voice was much more lively than Subaku's.

They made it to their appointment place on time despite the little debacle from earlier, but since no one had bothered to ask their MTI how to check in, they were kinda stranded besides the small note on their appointment slip.

Make sure to contact CQ every ninety minutes during your appointment, also make sure to call when switching locations between appointments. (i.e Going from Sick Call to Physical Therapy)

"Maybe we should go ask that person in OCPs over there." Lee said discreetly pointing to a white haired person sitting in one of the seats. The bushy eyebrowed male seemed to be confident in his suggestion. In fact, he was about to walk over there to go prove it. That was until Subaku growled at him.

"Do you want us to get yelled at for looking stupid and not knowing what to do?! I'd rather avoid any day where I don't have to do push-ups thank you."

The raven haired alpha only gave the red haired male a smile in return. "No harm in trying. We can always tell them that today is our second day here. It's not like we would be lying about it."

Nara, Subaku, and Uzumaki had decided to ask other trainees how to check in with CQ and Uchiha and Lee would ask the person in OCPs.

"Hello, Sir. We're on our second day at BMT and we're wondering how to check in with our squadrons' CQ and where we could find BAS." Lee explained. He was nervous, but didn't let it show on his face. The person looked up and looked over the two trainees before giving a slight smile.

"There's no need to call me Sir. Haha, it makes me feel old. I'm only on my 6th week here. You get your official uniforms in either your third or fourth week. Sorry if I scared you by looking so official." The white haired alpha said.

"It's fine. We just need to find our way to BAS so we aren't late to our appointment." Sasuke reiterated to the other male.

"Oh, yeah right. It's upstairs and to your left. Only Occupational or non trainees can use the elevator. If you're hurt, then that's a different story."

Sasuke gave a hesitant smile. He seemed nice enough, but who knew if they were breaking any rules or how many they were breaking and maybe this guy knew it and didn't say anything about it and was just waiting for them to get in trouble so he'd have something to laugh about and then Sasuke would be labelled as a problem child and it would get back to his father and- Sasuke took a breath. He forgot that not everyone was out to get him. Yeah, he needed this appointment.

"The name's Hozuki. Hozuki Suigestu, but just Hozuki since we can't go by first names like in civilian life. Can I get your surnames?" He asked.

"I'm Lee, this is Uchiha." Lee introduced them. Hozuki made a face at Sasuke's last name but it was like a flash of lighting with how quickly it came and disappeared. He eyed Sasuke, who got nervous that the alpha would scent the air and find out that he's an omega.

He grabbed Lee's hand and walked over to Subaku, Nara, and Uzumaki. "The guy in OCPs says that BAS is upstairs and to the left. Did you three figure out CQ?"

The bored looking alpha, Nara, nodded. "Yeah and already checked in. This is such a drag." He complained.

They went up the stairs and got themselves checked into BAS. Each of them were handed a mental health form and told to wait in the waiting room. After finishing the form and turning back into the desk, they went back to the waiting room to wait to be called back to their therapist. Subaku and Uchiha pulled out journals and started writing. Subaku was writing letters to his family since he didn't know what time they would be able to. Sasuke on the other hand was writing something more private and personal. Not that Uzumaki seemed to understand that concept. The blonde was leaning over Sasuke's shoulder to try and read what he was writing in his journal.

"Back off Uzumaki, this is private." Sasuke growled.

The blonde simply laughed. "More like kinky. Who knew you were into that?"

"My boyfriend." Sasuke lied, he didn't have a boyfriend. His father never approved of anyone he brought home and he was always forced to end the relationship. Not that there were a lot of people in line to date the ill-tempered omega anyway.

"Oh. Are you gay, bi, or pan then?" Uzumaki asked.

"None of your fucking business." Sasuke said irritated.

"Okay, well I'm pan." Uzumaki persisted.

"Don't give a shit." Sasuke growled again, turning away from the blue eyed alpha

"What the fuck is your problem?" Uzumaki asked, his brows furrowed.

Sasuke snapped, turning back around to face the taller male. "You! You're my fucking problem." Sasuke was so sick of his shit. "You got the whole dorm in trouble trying to keep your phone until you got caught."

"I was trying to send off the mailing address and he never asked for it back." He shot back.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, putting his journal away as he was called back to his appointment. "Whatever man, just leave me alone."

Sasuke took a seat on the soft leather couch in the office of Mj. Shizune. He looked around her room. It was nicely decorated with a cottagecore theme going. She has pictures of her and a pig. Her pig Sasuke guessed. She had a bowl of candy which was absolute torture to Sasuke, even though he didn't like sweets, because they weren't allowed to have candy at all. Unless it came in the TOTM. He eyed the dark chocolate Dove candy, knowing he wasn't going to get it. The door to the office closed and the chair in front of him creaked slightly as Shizune sat down in it.

She sat there quietly for a minute or two looking over the mental health form he filled out earlier. "So Uchiha, do you know why you've been called in today?" She asked, taking notes down on a separate paper.

Sasuke gave a nod, "my father scheduled this appointment for me since he used to work on the same base. He thinks that I need to be evaluated before trying to go about this journey in exploring my military career."

"From what you put down here, it seems like your father was right to have you evaluated." She said. "Now let's talk about that."

The five were evaluated and each of them were sent back to their squadron with thick envelopes that said CQ/MTI Eyes Only. They checked in for their CQ and reported that they were on their way back to the dorms. 

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