I Love You No Matter What

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I am back! This is a masc trans reader fluff, I do need a small break from writing smut as the one I did try to write I couldn't get motivated but I'll do it. This was requested samm_11037, I hope you enjoy! 

The winter snow would fall onto the porch, despite it being cold it gave off that comforting warmth, well maybe just for you. Almond on the other hand was still shivering in his 5 layers of clothes, you commonly wonder how he survives during the winter. You'd turn to your husband and snicker how he was curled up into a ball, it was a bit funny to see yet you still felt sorry "You didn't have to come out here with me babe, we can go inside if you want," You care dearly for Almond and you would put your own needs aside for him as it is the same for him, so there are times when minor arguments happen but you forgive each other in the end. He'd nod as he felt like he could freeze to death if, outside any longer, you would open the slider and let him in first as you followed after. You'd kiss him on the forehead before going to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for the both of you and Almond was relieved. After a good couple hours of watching Pixar movies, you decided to tell your husband something "Almond, I have some important news," This was nerve wracking but you knew you could trust Almond with this. Almond was a but concerned but turned to you "Is something the matter?" He'd ask but you shook your head and smiled to calm him "It's not that, it's something else..." You were nervous for sure as you needed to take a deep breath to even get it out "I don't feel like I'm a female, I-I... I'm a guy," That didn't come out the way you wanted it to, but it was something. You didn't even bother to turn to Almond to see his face until you felt him kiss you on the cheek "Glad you told me, just know, I love you no matter what," Your eyes filled with joyful tears as you hugged him, you were glad that he accepted you as he hugged you back. You felt proud of yourself that you told him yet he hasn't let go of you for the whole night, which made you wonder why he was so clingy but you shrugged it off. 

It was already past 12 AM and you are the only one awake, maybe you should go to sleep since your husband did feel a bit like a pillow with all that blankets covering the both of you. You soon fell asleep cuddling Almond hoping that tomorrow is going to be another great day. 

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