Berry Picking Picnic

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This is a fluff and the reader is gender neutral, the one who requested this is @XxBUNNAYxX I hope you enjoy!

The gusting wind that almost blew your sun hat off gave a welcoming warmth as you and your husband Almond were competing at picking berries before starting the picnic. It was something you'd commonly do whenever the berry bushes you grew had fresh fruits, it was a lovely quality time as you rarely saw Almond but when you can the both of you always make the most of it. After a good two minutes, you called your partner and went over to the back porch. The two of you sorted out making sure that none of them were bad or just wasn't ripe enough, luckily it didn't take that long to get stuff sorted. You got your basket and kissed Almond on the forehead "Get ready in 30 minutes darling, we'll be leaving soon," Even when you finished Almond was still making sure nothing was wrong with his "Of course, when I'm done I'll get the blanket," You smiled at him before opening the slider door and waving goodbye along with giggles at Almond's slight frustration on not being able to tell if the berries are good enough. You placed the basket onto the counter and started to get your supplies for food, it was simple enough, you even wrote a list of what to bring. The first thing to do was get the fruit salad ready, luckily it didn't require much. Humming to the beats of the music on the radio that you recently turned on as you would take a few glances at Almond when he came in, chatting, slight flirting, and jokes were going on between the both of you and it made you happy you can still talk with him with such confidence and trust. Moments pass as you already finished with the essentials, with Almond's help of course. A nice field of grass wasn't far from your home as farther down is a wondrous flower bed that seems that it extends for miles on end. You didn't know you were day dreaming of the date until Almond gently tapped your shoulder, making sure that you're alright "Is everything okay? I've been trying to get your attention for a bit now," There was concern but he gave a small laugh when he realized you zoned out, it was nice being married to someone like him, even if he can get a little thick in the head "Sorry about that, though, are you ready?" You asked not sure what happened for the past moment "I'm all set, I'll go when you go," With a smile you would open the door and lead your husband to the date you've been planning for sometime. You played around with Almond on the way like a set of children running wild. Then when the field was in sight you would place the blanket down at a comfortable spot and wait for Almond to come over, it was lovely but you were sure that he hasn't had a proper lunch, or even meal, in a long time "Treat to yourself darling, I'll unpack while you do so," You wanted Almond to actually eat so you told him to continue on, all because you cared for his health. He did give a nod but he felt a bit rude by going ahead without you, so he helped put everything in its place. You sadly can't argue with someone as stubborn as him, so you left it alone "Thank you for this Y/N, I never met anyone better then you," You laughed how those words were put together but it was still heart warming "I love you too, Almond," After eating you and Almond would talk as both sides would get upset when the other isn't taking care of themselves. After packing everything you convinced Almond to play a single round of hide and seek, and at the end the two of you were laughing, well more like Almond tickle torturing you "Almond!" Laughs between words making it hard to speak "Stop," Finally he stopped knowing your limits, even if it was real short "I'm sorry if I hurt you," He would pull you up and kiss you on the forehead "Let's go home, it's getting late," You would nod while hugging your husband "Of course, I'm glad you finally got a break honey," You sad letting go before walking home with Almond. You were grateful for having someone like him, even if he is busy pulling all nighters at an office.

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