Chapter 6: An Unknown Enemy

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Zuko grabbed my hand and walked with me towards the palace.
Zuko..where are we going?
"It's best to keep a low profile so we should avoid the big villages for now we have to take the smaller villages to blend in."
I understand thanks.
Zuko nodded and we walked further.

Uhm Zuko.. not that I mind but why are you holding my hand?
Zuko stopped for a moment and blushed "Oh.. uh that's so we don't lose each other in the crowd.." *I didn't realise.. I still held her hand..*

Zuko was having an inner dialogue with himself.
Did I just see him blush?
That's actually really smart of you Zuko, you thought everything through.
*She bought it... wait... she really bought that lame excuse..*
"Yeah thank you Katara", Zuko said with a awkward smile.

As we continued our walk a commotion was starting nearby.

"You barbarian!, look what you've done to my clothing... you will pay for this!"
"Oh boohoo suck it up you woose the only thing you're good at is complaining and accessories!"

Zuko...look over there, I think they'll start a fight, what should we do?
"I think we should walk past them and avoid eye contact so we can pass them without causing a scene."
Sounds like a plan.

"You nitwitted, bird brain you can't even hold a sword the proper way!"
"Oh yeah, let's see how well you can defend yourself you.. you.. woose!"
"See you can't even scold properly, I'll teach you how to behave"

Both men drew their swords at each other and were now duelling.

"Take that you nitwit, maybe lay off the accessories and focus more on defending yourself!"

"Gasp.. you take that back, you barbarian!"

Zuko which way draws the least attention?
"This way follow me"
Zuko held my hand firm yet gentle and lead me through the people surrounding the fight.

Zuko whispered:"Katara stay close behind me and whatever you do do not let go of me"

I nodded and walked close behind Zuko, I held his arm from behind and walked in his pace.
Zuko.. how long do I have to keep doing this? I whispered.
"Just a bit more, I need to use my arm but hold onto me."
I.. okay.. *what am I supposed to hold on to now... his... no... do I... shoot... don't blush, do not blush*

I wrapped my hands around his waist and put my head close against his back.

"Good, now hold on to me and don't let go" *she is holding my waist... and her head is resting against my back... damn it Zuko pull yourself together you have to protect her.*

Zuko led us through the rowdy crowd surrounding the fight, we were almost out of sight.

"Hey you!"
Zuko turned to face the man cleaning the blood of his sword.
"Yeah you!"
Zuko..what is happening?
"I have no idea let's find out"

"You called sir?"
"Yes you.. you think you're smug heh.."
Zuko looked surprised and said:"pardon me?"
The man threw the cloth drenched in blood on the ground and pointed his sword to Zuko.

Zuko took a step backwards making me almost lose balance, making me clech onto him tighter.

"Heh.. I see you got a lady with you.. you dimwit.. with your fancy clothing.. you good for nothing"

Is he trying to pick a fight with Zuko..

Zuko raised his eyebrow and said: "I don't want any trouble sir we were just on our way"

The man scoffed and raised his sword:" I'll show you how worthless you are fancy boy, your clothes won't save you nor your lady"

Zuko smirked and said "If I win you'll let us go and apologize to everyone you've insulted and hurt. You will also pay back everything you've demolished."

"Heh..fine and when I win you"ll pay with your blood. I'll make you regret showing your face here and your lady will be mine."

"No you leave her out of here."
Zuko, I whispered.
Agree to it, I don't know what you're planning to do but I know you'll win.
"But I."
Remember we can't use our bending right now, otherwise I'd handle that jerk myself, so be careful.
"I will Katara, I won't let you down"

I took a step back from Zuko and watched him walk up to the man.
"What are the rules?"

"Hehe.. you'll have to use swords, you'll win if you cause an injure or if the other person begs for mercy."

Zuko looked at me and I nodded.

"Hehe.. I will enjoy this."
"So do I get swords or..?"

The man launched forward with his sword in his hand, Zuko dodged him at ease.

"Heh.. lucky shot, that won't happen again."

"Seems like I won't be getting swords, you pathetic man, you have no honor"

"Hehe.. honor isn't worth shit"

Zuko grined his teeth and grabbed his blades from underneath his clothing: "We'll see about that"

The man was startled but quickly launched forward to hit Zuko.

Zuko dodged and used one of his blades to make the man fall down.

"Seems to me like you've underestimated me" Zuko said whilst walking up to the man

The man jumped up and tried to deblade Zuko but failed.

Zuko jumped up and aimed his blade for the man's sword.
The man's sword was now thrown across.
Zuko blocked the man's path and cornered him.
He put his blade to his chin and said:"You"ll never find honor if you play with such rigid behaviour""

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