Lashton - sweetie

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Lashton -

Requested by TheAmazingWorldOfFic : here you go!!! hope you like it!
(Ashton is 25 and Luke is just 18 in this and Ashton is taller than Luke)


"Luke come on!" Michael yells in my ear as he drags me up the stairs to the big house with music blaring and and teenagers everywhere.
"Why did you make me come, Michael?"
"Because you need to get out more and Calum throws the best parties ever!"
"Ugh..." I groan as I trudge up behind Michael and open the front door. We are greeted with some beer, which Michael happily accepts.
"Here." he says handing one to me.
"No thanks." I say and place it on the coffee table next to me.
"Michael!" Calum yells as he hugs my friend.
"Luke." I say to him as he shakes my hand.
"Glad you could make it!" He shouts again above the music.
"Wouldn't miss it!"

They carry on talking for few minutes and I just stand awkwardly next to Michael. Everyone here is older than me. I now Calum's like 23 or something. He's been Michael's friend since Michael was like ten or something - they met at swimclub I think.
"Lighten up!" Michael nudges me in the ribs as he takes another sip of his beer.
"I don't know anyone here!" I say back regretting coming already.
"Well, meet people then! Come on!" He hold my wrist and pull me outside by the pool. There are girls in bikinis and boys in trunks everywhere with drinks in their hands and dancing along to some horrid dance music. One girl approaches us and starts grinding against Michael. Gross. "Hey handsome..." she slurs in my direction and I hide behind Michael.
"Never seen you here before." she purrs in my ear and I watch Michael walk off winking at me.
No! I mentally scream. Don't leave me with her! Of course though, he's already gone. Mystery girl takes my hands and starts to dance with me. Her tight pink bikini showing much more than it covers and I suddenly feel really uncomfortable. She starts grinding against me and snaking her arms around my neck. I can't move for the mass of bodies around me and I feel sick. Too many people! Michael, I hate you.
Finally the song ends and bikini girl lets go of me to go get another drink. I quickly scarce my self from the dancing mass and make my way indoors. I sit down on the bottom stair and sip my water I got out of the fridge. Don't do drinking.
"This seat taken?" A loud voice behind me makes me jump and I turn around to face a cute looking man with longish curly hair and brown eyes.
"Nah." I say back.
"Dancing not your thing?" he asks me.
"Not really." I laugh. "I'm Luke by the way."
"Nice to meet you."
"You too. This is too noisy for me in here, wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure." I say as we get up and leave the loud mass of teenagers.

We walk down to the beach (it's a beach house) and sit on the sand.
"So, tell me about yourself, Luke." Ashton says as he faces me.
"Well, there's not much to tell, really. I'm eighteen and I just graduated high school."
"Interesting. You look older, I would have given you nineteen, maybe twenty."
"How about you?"
"I'm twenty five. Gay. And I work in a bike garage."
"Cool." He's twenty five?!
"So, I saw Nicola dancing with you earlier." he laughs.
"Yeah..." sigh.
"Not your type, I take it?"
"Not even close." I smile back.
"So, what is your type? I take you're straight..."
"Nope." I smile at him.
"Aha." He smiles at me.
"So, how come you're at the party if you don't wanna be there?"
"I'm Calum's cousin. I'm staying for the summer."
"Cool." Suddenly my phone rings. "One sec." Ashton nods.
"Luke, where are you?" Michael's voice came booming down the line.
"On the beach with Ashton, why?"
"We're leaving... Police have been rumoured to turn up."
"Kay, meet you at the car."
"I've gotta go. Police are rumoured to be coming and Michael wants to get away."
"Fair enough."
"Later!" I wave to him as I walk away.
"Hold on! I don't know hardly anyone round here? What's your number?" A smile creeps onto my face as I type my number in his phone. "See you around then, Luke."
And with that I walk way to go find Michael.

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