CALM fluff (and smut) - we won't leave you out PART 2

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CALM fluff (and smut) - we won't leave you out

•cuteness overload.

If you haven't read part one go read it :)


Another week had passed since the boys found out about Luke's pregnancy. None if them still didn't know which one was the other father. In theory, it could be Calum Michael or Ashton.
"You know what, guys?" Luke said getting up from the couch and facing his boyfriends.
"What baby?" Ashton said softly looking up at the blond.
"The only way if knowing who the actual other father is a DNA test. And quite frankly I don't want to do that. I love you all the same and I want this kid to be happy with his parents and if that means four fathers so be it."
"What are you getting at Luke?" Michael eyed the blond.
"What I'm saying is stop stressing about you got me pregnant. To me, you all are the other father. No discussion needed. I will not favour one of you more ever, so this kid will have four fathers." Luke explained and sat down next to Callum again.
"That's a good idea. I like it." Calum purred kissing Luke softly. Michael looked and Ashton and both nodded.
"Us too." Ashton said and they both joined the other two in a four way kiss.

"Calum?" Luke whispers.
"Can you get me some pineapple juice?"
"You hate pineapple."
Calum gets up and goes to the kitchen.
Ashton gets out his phone.
"Baby, you're six weeks. I think we should go get a sonogram."
"Okay." Luke sighs happily laying across Michael's legs.
"Here." Calum hands him the glass of pineapple juice.
"I swear to god he never liked that before."
"Cravings babe." Michael chuckles and Luke looks up at him with a pout and puppy eyes. Michael leans down and kisses him softly.


"Hello, Mr Hemmings. Third door down the left." The nice secretary says directing them to the office.
"Oh, just the father please. Only parents aloud."
"We are the parents." Michael says wrapping an arm around Luke.
"Okay then, Luke, would you please lay down here and lift your shirt up." Luke obeys and lays down on the bed thing and lifts his shirt up a little. "Actually, just take it off." So he does.
The nurse spreads some very cold gel on to his stomach and rubs it in. She tells Luke to relax and he does, with his boyfriends holding his hands and Michael cupping his lead in his hands gently.
She placed a weird little machine over the gel and a fuzzy image appeared on a screen.
"See that little peanut?" She pointed out. "That's your child. Now, I've never seen a male pregnant before so this is really exciting. Calum chuckles a little.
"I take it the little one wasn't exactly planned?" She asked testing the waters slightly.
"Not exactly." Ashton chuckled.
"Well if by going by what I've seen of you three today, you will all be great fathers."
"Thanks." Luke smiles.
"And those little lumps?"
"Yeah?" Michael answered excited.
"They will be the little one's legs and arms."
"Awwww." Luke hummed still stunned to talk.
"You guys want a pic?"
"Hell yeah." Michael says and the others all laughed and the woman moved the screen next to them and took a quick photo. She plugged it into the computer and printed it off along with one of just the baby.

"Thank you." Luke said as they walked out with the photos.
"Come back in three weeks. You will be nine weeks then."
"Okay. Bye." Michael waved as he picked Luke up and carried him outside.
"What you doing?" Luke asked.
"You are not walking. You trip too often and you are not hurting our peanut." Ashton suddenly burst out laughing and Calum looked worried for a second after laughing too.

They spent the rest of the day at home playing games.
"Guys." Luke called their attention.
"When are we going to tell our parents?" Luke asked the question they were all dreading.
"I don't know." Ashton rubbed his temples. "I mean we haven't even told them were together."
"I never came out to them..." Michael muttered.
"Well, looks like we've got some talking to do then." Calum sighed. "I'll text them now. Maybe they can come over tomorrow."
"Yeah. Get it out the way." Luke agreed.


"Luke!" Liz shouts as she jumps out the car and comes crashing into the lad, wrapping her arms around him.
"Hey mum." He hugs her back as the other mums come up and each hug their sons.
Ashton makes tea and brings it to everyone.
The boys all sit on one couch and Karen, Liz, Joy and Anne-Marie sit on the other.
"Okay, well there's some stuff we've gotta tell you guys."
"Michael?" Karens looks at her son who looks anywhere but her.
"Mum, I'm gay." Karen's eyes fill with tears as she looks at her son. Michael looks away and is about to walk out the door when he feels arms around his stomach and his mum's tears on his shirt.
"Oh Michael! I'm so happy for you baby!" She exclaims.
"Honey I've known for years. I was just waiting for you to say something!" Michael leans down and he lets tears soak into his mothers shirt. "So, who's the lucky man?" She asks looking up at him.
"That's another thing..."
"Go sit down." Michael sits back in his seat next to Luke and puts his arms around his shoulder.
"You guys don't know the whole reason as to why we moved in together..." Ashton said looking at all their eyes. He looks at his boyfriends for reassurance and they all nod. "We're dating." He says.
"You and Calum?" Anne-Marie asks.
"And Michael and Luke."
"So it's two and two?" Joy asks confused.
"All four of us." Luke says.
There's complete silence and Liz gets up and hugs her son.
"I'm so happy for you guys!" She squeals into his chest. The others all jump up and hug their own sons then the other boys too.
"So I guess that's a no to grandkids then..." Karens chuckles.
"Actually...." Michael says quietly.
"Michael.....?" Karens questions.
"In about seven and a half month you will have a gran kid."
"What?!" They all shout at once.
"Um, we're pregnant." Luke says looking his mum in the eyes.
"Who is?" Liz speaks up.
"Who's the other father?" Liz asks. The other three stand up and four jaws drop.
"How is that even possible?" Joy asks.
"No one really knows...." Luke mutters.
"I'm going to be a grandmother!!!" Liz shrieks and jumps into Luke's arms.

The other boys all join in the family hug.


Once the mothers had all home home, the boys all sat down on the couch and sighed happily.
"Well, that went a lot better than we thought." Ashton smiles.
"My poor mother." Michael chuckles.
"I came out to her. Told her I was in a four way relationship. And told her we're expecting. All in one day." He chuckles.
"Well, that's good." Calum chuckles kissing Michael softly.

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