Chapter 3

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Looking out of the window, I took in the strange surroundings. Trees, and a small road that was barely useful. We approached a large building made from brick, that was surrounded by fences, we were in a prison. The wound on my leg now throbbed, and I was worried that it had been infected. Placing my hand on it, I winced as the dirt on my fingers entered the wound.
"You okay?" Rick said, clearly noticing my pained expression.
"I've done something to my leg, I don't know what though, I didn't have time to check." I told him.
"Let me see, we have someone here that could help you." He said, placing his hand on my arm, and looking straight into my eyes.
"Rick!" Maggie yelled from the front of the car. "She doesn't want to take her goddamn pants off for a guy she just met."
"It's fine, really." I assured her "I think they're ripped there anyway."
"It doesn't matter, I'll check it when we get in, then I'll have dad sort it out for you." She said, and I couldn't argue with her.
I could only assume that her dad was a doctor, and that he could fix whatever I'd done. Rick kept his eyes fixed on me, making me feel a mixture of flattery and discomfort. Not knowing anything about this man, I couldn't be too careful around him, I'd seen him carelessly slaughter a number of walkers, and not even give it a second thought. If only I could get to know him better, I wished that I could. His tattered clothes, and his rolled up sleeves showed his toned figure perfectly, and every time his eyes met mine , their beauty overcame me. We slowed down considerably, and parked in the grounds of the prison. Again, one by one, we got out of the car, however this time I followed them towards a cell block, and didn't say a word.
We entered a dark room, with various cells, and supplies scattered untidily around the block.
"Hello!" Rick shouted "We're back!"
A woman with short, grey hair, emerged from one of the cells, with a baby in her arms. I could only assume that it was hers, until she handed it to Rick.
"You're married?" I asked, disappointed. However he began to cry, burying his face in his palm, he sat on a step, I'd obviously upset him. "I'm sorry, whatever I said, I didn't mean to say it, I didn't know it would upset you." He carried on crying into his palms, as the short haired woman took me out of the room, with a concerned expression on her face.
"Look, his wife....she passed away a few weeks ago, in childbirth." She solemnly told me, a tear in her eye. I raised my hand above my mouth, to subdue a gasp, the feeling of guilt was indescribable.
"Oh my god, I... I don't know what to say." I replied, baffled.
"It's fine, you didn't know. I'm Carol, by the way."
"Serena." I smiled.

A little time passed, and all I could do was sit on the steps, and take in what I'd been told. This man was so strong, yet so fragile. Eventually, I gained the courage to go up to him, to apologise. Nervously, I walked towards his cell, hoping that he'd forgiven me.
"Rick?" I said, softly.
"Come in." he muttered, still looking at the ground.
"Look, I didn't mean to-"
"You don't have to apologise, you didn't know."
I leaned against the door frame, just looking at him. "Please, sit." He motioned towards the spot on the bed next to him. I followed his direction, and sat next to him. "I know how you feel." I said "I've lost everybody that I love."
"I have my son and my new daughter, that's about it."
"At least you have somebody." I smiled "Thankyou, by the way, for helping me."
"It's no problem, I couldn't leave you there. Go see Maggie and she'll sort your leg out for you." He replied, and then continued to stare into space...

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