Chapter 8

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The next day our adventures included going to Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies, Gatlinburg space needle, Hollywood stars Cars museum and a salt and pepper shaker museum. It sucks being young because Damon and Sebastian visited the Ole Smoky moonshine distillery while us youngsters went to another mountain coaster place. It was fun, no doubt about that but it would've been fun to taste test some moonshine.

Currently, we got back to the bigger cabin and were watching movies when Damon and Sebastian came through the door.

"We come bearing gifts!" Damon announced as Sebastian and he held up two jars of moonshine, one red and one amberish colored.

"Oooh which ones are they?" Tanner asked.

"Blackberry, which we have lemonade to mix with and cherry and we got cherry coke to mix with it" Sebastian said as they sat the jars on the kitchen counter while grabbing out plastic cups. They asked each of us which one we preferred. Tanner, Dakota and I wanted the cherry since it was stronger, while the others chose the blackberry concoction.

"Alright, so what are we going to play?" Dakota asked as we all settled in the sitting area.

"Play?" Jace asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yes, play. We have alcohol so we should play a game" he replied "No spin the bottle, this isn't middle school" he added on making us chuckle.

"I'm sure there would be hands being thrown if that were the case" Tanner commented.

"True" Dakota replied with smirk and a pointed finger at Tanner.

"What about truths?" Matt spoke up. "We just go around the group, one person asks and we all reply with that truth. It's a fun way to get to know each other even more" he added with a shrug.

"I like that idea, although I probably know everything about you" Jace laughed.

"I'm down for it" I said while looking around the rest of the group and they all nodded in agreement.

"So, how do we want to start?" Ryder chimed in.

" about youngest goes first? then go counter clockwise?" Matt offered and Jace glared at him.

"You did that on purpose" Jace retorted with his tongue sticking out "Fine, fine...uhhhh" he tapped a finger to his chin before taking a sip of his drink.

"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?" he asked with a shrug.

"Well that's boring" Matt deadpanned

"What?! You said I go first, I don't know what I'm doing" Jace exasperated making Matt chuckle and waving his hand.

"Whatever, I'd have to say Germany because I always wanted to visit where my grandparents lived" Matt said then looked to Ryder who was sitting next to him.

"Ireland" Ryder said with a confident nod.

"Australia" Tanner was next to answer.

"Same" I answered after him "And not just to be with him either, we always wanted to live there" I added on.

"Japan" Dakota answered after me.

"France" Sebastian said after a sip of his drink.

"Spain" Damon said before it got back to Jace.

"Well, I never really thought about it honestly" he said "But I'd have to say Wales cause I like the accents" he added.

"Okay, my turn" Matt said brightly "When did you have your first kiss?"

"14" Ryder immediately answered to start the answers.

"12" was Tanner's reply

"That an actual kiss or just fish lips?" I asked with a chuckle and he shoved me

"Actual, ass"

"Uhhh I think I was 15" I said thoughtfully.

"15" Dakota said

"13" the twins answered at the same time and we all gave them a curious look.

"Middle school spin the bottle" Damon shrugged making everyone laugh from Dakota's previous comment before the game started.

"17" Jace mumbled next with a blush coating his cheeks and Dakota smirked in response.

"14" Matt then answered his own question before looking toward Ryder.

"Where is the most public place you've done something sexual?" Ryder asked after a couple seconds of thinking.

"Outside in the backyard of this one chick's house, had sex against one of the trees" Tanner smirked at the memory making me internally vomit.

"Gave a handjob at the drive in" I answered next.

"Oooh toughie, I'd have to say our pool though" Dakota said while looking over at Sebastian.

"Locker room" Sebastian and Damon both smirked at each other.

"Oooh please do tell more" I asked, intrigued with that story.

"Well after football practice filled with winks and teasing grins, we stayed after everyone left and made sure no one was in the locker room before getting down in the showers" Damon had a shit eating grin on his face. The thoughts of if Tanner and I started this during football season came to mind. Maybe we could've had steamy shower sex. I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked over to see Tanner giving me a wink, like he knew what I was thinking. The question feel on to a forever blushing Jace.

"I'm going to be a damned tomato by the end of this aren't I" he mumbled and Dakota leant over to ruffle his hair.

"You're surrounded by family Jacey baby, no need to be embarrassed" he tried to comfort him.

"Still" he said quietly before clearing his throat "Okay, uhm in Damon's truck on one of the back roads near the house" he said and that made Dakota and Sebastian's eyebrows shoot up.

"Well you guys never told us about that adventure, we haven't even had car sex" Sebastian said with a slight pout, turning to Damon, who shrugged.

"It was date night when you brought Dakota for a couples massage and dinner" Damon told him making him nod in understanding. "Don't worry we can have sex in all the cars if you want" he winked.

"Niiiice Jacey, didn't know you'd have the balls to do that" Dakota piped up and fist bumped him.

"Heat of the moment" Jace said sheepishly.

"Anyway" Matt interrupted "Mine would be having sex in the ocean last summer"

"It was dead there so giving and receiving a blowjob in the movie theater" Ryder answered last. then it was Tanner's turn to ask a question. By this time, I felt my cheeks get a little warm from the drinks we were having. Maybe that's another reason why Jace is a blushy mess too, getting flushed from the alcohol.

"If you had to choose, who in this room would you fuck?" Tanner said "But you can't pick someone you're already with" he added while pointing at the four.

"Easy, Jace" I smirked and winked at Jace who blushed and averted his eyes and I heard Dakota growl next to me.

"Oh don't even, it's just a game" I laughed making him roll his eyes.

"Funny enough, I'd choose you" he said and I raised my eyebrows "What, I heard hate sex is awesome"

I mock gasped "You hate me?!"

"Yep" he said and I thought he was serious for a minute until he cracked a smile "Nah, we cool"

"I'd have to say Ryder since it'd be weird to pick Matt since he's basically part of the family" Sebastian said and I gave him a deadpan stare.

"Cause fucking your family is just so taboo right?" I asked sarcastically and everyone busted out laughing.

"You know what I mean" Sebastian laughed

"I'd have to agree on Ryder though, cause I'm not into beefcakes" Damon said next.

"But Sebastian?" Tanner asked curiously.

"Okay, let me rephrase, I don't want anymore beefcakes other than this one" Damon said and grabbed Sebastian and mushed their lips together. I gave a wolf whistle and clapped before they pulled apart. "Anyone want a refill?" Damon asked to pause the game. Everyone basically raised their hands so I got up to help gather and refill the drinks.

"Don't put as much alcohol in Jace's" he whispered to me once we were in the kitchen.

"Why?" I questioned

"He's never drank besides two times before and one of those times was at the beach" he replied and I nodded remembering he only had one wine cooler. We finished refilling everyones drinks and brought them back before we sat in our places.

"Okay, we left off on Jace answering" I said and sipped my drinking, humming at the great flavor.

"Uhhh...what was the question again?" he asked shyly.

"Who would you fuck in this room other than your boyfriends" Tanner stated for him.

"Oh uh" his eyes casted down "Charlie I guess" he timidly replied, his cheeks crimson. I beamed, at least I would've had a shot during spring break if he wasn't with his brothers and I wasn't pining over Tan. Next was Matt's turn but before Matt could speak, Tanner had spoken up.

"Wait, you can't pick Ryder and vice versa cause we all know y'all want to get in each other's pants" Tanner said making Matt blush lightly.

"What if I wasn't even going to say Matthew" Ryder chided

"Then I would've had to kick your ass" Jace said and everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Look at Jace, getting all protective over his bestie" I cooed

"I kid, I kid, Matthew knows I just want a slice of him" Ryder winked at Matt.

"Only a slice, not the whole thing?" Matt retorted and everyone 'oooh'ed in turn making Ryder blush.

"I just want to announce that I am enjoying the fact that we have alcohol to help enjoy this truth game" I chuckled.

"Okay, okay, back to the game" Tanner said and gestured for Matt to answer.

"Tanner because he's the only other "straight" guy here, so there wouldn't be any expectations to be met" Matt simply answered.

"Sebastian because I'm into blonds" he sent a wink over to Sebastian.

"I don't like that mutual attraction there" Jace muttered, eyes going between Ryder and Sebastian. Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"No need to worry love" he reassured Jace by grabbing his hand and Jace smiled dreamily at Sebastian.

"I'd say Matt for two reasons now. First, I'm into blonds too and two, his reasoning is agreeable" Tanner finished this round. It was now my turn to ask a question. Hmmmm.

"What is one of your favorite sexual experiences?" I asked the group.

"First time topping Jacey's sweet ass" Dakota grinned triumphantly.

"Losing my ass virginity to Damon" Sebastian answered taking a swig of his drink.

"DP'ing Dakota and Jace" Damon said "I couldn't choose one or the other so they rank the same" he added.

"Losing my virginity to Sebastian" Jace's small voice answered.

"69'ing with Amber" Matt said and did the okay symbol with his fingers.

"Shit, I don't even think I have one" Ryder laughed "I guess losing my ass virginity would have to be it"

"Have you been with a girl?" I asked Ryder and he grimaced

"Yeah, was the weirdest thing ever. Same person and same day I had my first kiss too" he answered. I cocked my head in question.

"Long story short, my 'friends' pressured me about not having sex much less kissing anyone before so they set me up with this girl and yeah" he shrugged and Matt frowned.

"You were 14?!" I exclaimed incredulously "Why would that be so surprising of not having sex at that age?" I asked rhetorically.

"Welp, I figured out I didn't like girls that way so I mean there's a plus" he said "Okay, moving on" he said turning to Tanner.

"Had sex with my ex behind a waterfall, it was pretty romantic" Tanner answered. I was saddened when our experience together wasn't one of his favorites but it was only a handjob so I guess for him it wasn't too thrilling.

"Our first handjob together" I stated looking at him in the eyes and Tanner looked back at me guiltily "Alright, Dakota you're up" I told him.

"If you could have one night with a celebrity, who would it be?" He asked.

"David Beckham or Scarlett Johansson" Sebastian said and I nodded my head.

"Not bad, even I'd go for Scarlett" I said truthfully.

"Taron Egerton" Damon answered

"Who?" Tanner asked curiously.

"You know, the guy that played Eggsy on Kingsman" he said

"Ohhh! Him!" I exclaimed "He's good looking"

"Chris Hemsworth" Jace had answered "Can I get another?" he asked hopefully raising his empty glass. I looked to Damon and he sighed and nodded, getting up to refill it.

"Mila Kunis" Matt piped up to continue the circle.

"Alex Pettyfer" Ryder answered next.

"Margot Robbie or Theresa Palmer" Tanner said as Damon gave Jace another glass.

"Channing Tatum" I gave my answer

"I'd go with Ryan Reynolds" Dakota said answering his question.

"What is one of your kinks?" Sebastian asked everyone.

"Just recently found this one but fucking in front of a mirror" Damon smirked and winked at a lip biting Jace but his body sported a full on blush at that. I stifle a laugh, I don't think he will last much longer tonight.

"Being dominated" Jace blurted with fuck me eyes directed at the three to my right. "Can we hurry, I'm horny" he then added causing Matt to burst out laughing.

"Keep it in your pants Jem, we have the rest of this question and then it's Damon's turn" Matt said in amusement. Jace pouted in return and Matt shook his head with a smile on his face.

"I haven't really tried anything too kinky besides handcuffs I guess" he admitted to the group. Ryder smirked and drank the rest of his drink.

"I like to be dominating sometimes" he then said.

"But aren't you a bottom?" Jace asked with a confused look.

"Being a bottom doesn't automatically mean you're submissive" Ryder gave a deadpan stare and Jace just gave an 'O' face.

"Anyway, moving on. Wax play would have to be mine" Tanner shrugged. I made a mental note of buying sex candles later.

"I guess choking" I too haven't really explored too much into the kink world.

"Being spanked is the kinkiest I get, though I do enjoy some dirty talk too" Dakota said with ease.

"I second choking" Sebastian finished "Alright, last question Damon" he added while glancing at Jace inching into Damon's side.

"Okay, let's see....Would you have sex in front others?" he asked while eyeing the boy trailing his hands up his thigh.

"Oh hell no" Jace said as he snapped his head up to Damon's. Damon chuckled.

"It'd be very thrilling" he sort of whispered into Jace's ear, making him shiver in response. Damn horn dogs, not that I'm not frisky at the moment. But enough to almost fuck in front of everyone? I don't know about that. It was very quiet as everyone watched Damon nip at Jace's ear. Jace closed his eyes and moaned shamelessly in response. The noise made my dick twitch in my shorts. I cleared my throat.

"That isn't actually happening is it?" I asked

"I don't you want to venture into another kink?" Damon asked huskily as he skimmed his nose down Jace's neck. Sebastian and Dakota looked as if they were holding back their actions to join in as Tanner, Matt and Ryder just stared in interest. Damon then proceeded to kiss and bite his neck, making Jace moan and whimper. I felt my shorts getting tighter.

"Daddy" Jace whined while gripping Damon's thigh.

"My answer is an obvious I would, but if you'll excuse us" Damon said with a sly grin before standing up and picking Jace up bridal style and whisking him up the stairs. Dakota and Sebastian hopped up with very obvious bulges in their shorts.

"I'd try it" Dakota said

"Same, but we will be going too" Sebastian hurriedly said as he grabbed Dakota's hand and they ran up the stairs.

"Well that was something..." Tanner trailed off.

"Now we know his domination kink was accurate" I said with amusement.

"Well we already knew he called him daddy before, so like duh" Tanner retorted.

"Are we answering Damon's question or nah?" Matt asked with a laugh. A loud moan from upstairs floated down to us.

"I wouldn't care, I have no shame" I answered honestly, playing with my empty cup.

"I'd probably have to be super drunk" Tanner admitted.

"I'd have to agree with that" Matt said holding his cup up in a toast manner before downing the rest of it. "How about you Ry?"

"Ry?" Ryder asked with a smile and quirked eyebrow. Matt looked panicked and blushed.

"Do you not like that? sorry, it just came out" he rambled.

"It's fine Matthew" Ryder laughed "I don't mind it" he reassured

"Okay" Matt smiled "But anyway, your answer?"

"I'd have to say I would depending on who was watching" Ryder shrugged.

"Alright, that was a fun game and some good moonshine" Tanner commented while getting up.

"Did you guys stick with the one you originally picked too?" Matt asked

"Yeah, cherry is stronger" I said getting up as well and stretched my legs. Some more moans came about making us giggle.

"You guys should try the blackberry though, it's actually really good" Matt said and went to the kitchen to try the cherry and coke mixture.

"I'm surprised you're not drunk like Jace" I commented and Matt shrugged.

"I've been to a few parties, he wasn't really a party goer. He's an innocent little one or was" he said with a chuckle and I nodded in understanding while mixing the blackberry with lemonade and taking a sip.

"Oooh, I think mom would enjoy this mixture" I said to Tanner and he took a sip as well.

"She definitely would, but how would we tell her to try it without ratting ourselves out" he chuckled.

"Holy" Matt's face puckered as he tried the straight cherry moonshine.

"That's why you got to mix it" I laughed and poured some cherry coke in his glass with the potent liquid. He took another sip and made a more subtle face.

"Still pretty strong"

"But not as bad" I countered

"True, do you like it Ry?" he asked as he offered his cup to Ryder. Ryder swiftly took it and sipped it.

"Not bad" he commented running his tongue over his lips. Matt watched the movement closely and licked his lips.

"Okay, we should probably head back to our cabin Tan" I said, yawning while looking at the clock that read 1am.

"Yeah, we should" he said and threw the garbage in the trash "You guys have fun with all that" he said and gestured to the upstairs.

"I'm sure they'll be done soon" Ryder said with a laugh.

"Pfft, they are like rabbits" Matt scoffed and shook his head.

"Night boys" I said and grabbed Tanner's arm and tugged him out the front door with their 'goodnight's following us out the door.

Our walk to our cabin was quick and we fell on to the bed.

"I wanted to have a little frisky time but I'm getting tired" Tanner said and slowly blinked his eyes.

"Good to know" I chuckled "Let's go to sleep Tan" I said and pecked his lips before we were shimming up the bed and under the covers.



I really did enjoy writing this chapter lol xD

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