• Trap •

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"We have a few questions we need to ask you-" Anti's voice faintly stated as I moved in and out of consciousness.

"Comply... and we won't hurt you..."

Those words struck me to my core. Fear instantly settled within my bosom, my foggy mind filled with doubt and regret.

I shouldn't have came tonight...

I thought to myself, fearing for Kelly's and my well-being.

"So- Pumpkin..." his venomous voice clouded my ears. I could hear his heavy footsteps travel around my head.

"We happen to know that you are involved with a specific man of interest..." he spoke and I could feel the fear strike up my spine.
Wow- straight to the point, huh.

"...Or should I say- entity." he finished and I gulped hard.

"I d-don't know wh-what you're talking ab-bout~" I moaned, my mind still very foggy and my body very weak.

"Don't play dumb, pumpkin. I saw him come and get you. I know you two are together." He growled with a sinister undertone. My forehead began to sweat, wanting to be anywhere but here.

"I- I- What do you w-want from me!?" I cried out and he gave me an evil smirk.

He kneeled next to my head, leveling his sinful lips with my ear.
"Okay- let's get to it then. I want the dark orb." he claimed and I visibly twitched in confusion.
"Dark o-orb?" I asked, honestly not understanding what he was asking me for.
"It is a black pearl that looks very mystical compared to you bland humans." he chuckled.
"I know you have seen it. I need it." He demanded and I gulped yet again.

He is talking about that black ball Dark gave me a long time ago, when he wanted me to call him from his home world, if I needed him.

"Yes- yes. This orb has special abilities... very special abilities, that I need... right now." he spoke as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"H-how-" I began to ask until he interrupted, saving me the wasted breath.
"Now that my serum is pumping through your veins, I can read what you are thinking and prohibit your movements, so don't even try to move. If only it could be that way regardless if my serum is in you or not- things could be so much easier." he addressed and I sighed inwardly.

Of course he would have something in the glowing crap that could hurt me. I should've known there was a catch.

I began to instantly regret not listening to Dark, I wanted to scream out to him, but I physically could not. Things couldn't be any more horrible, or could it?

"I suspect that your little friend will be showing up any minute now looking for his beloved human." he spoke with a vengeance, kneeling down beside my head, he began speaking again.
"So... you have less than a minute to tell me exactly where the fucking orb is, pumpkin~"

My throat was dry now. Fear pumped through my veins like blood.

Fuck- What am I going to do!? This would be a perfect time for Dark to show!!"

I panicked inwardly. I cannot tell him where this pearl is, I don't trust him. What does he even want with it?! Why does he need it!?

"Wh-what do you want with i-it?" I groaned and he gave me a bitter look.

"It doesn't matter, pumpkin. Just know that you will be fine... if you tell me." He sternly stated as he neared his lips towards my ear, his breath tickling the shell of my ear. I shivered inside at the feeling.

"Wh-what do you want with Dark's pearl!? Will h-he be fine!?" I stuttered, my body feeling very weak.

That unsettling sinister smirk remained splayed across his face.

"You really think they care about you..." he spoke after a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"Poor naive human... do you even know who they really are?" he asked, my heart dropped to my stomach.

I do... but I don't. I don't know if I really know him.

"Of course I do! We have been dating for a while now and I think I know him enough!!" I grunted, wanting to smack that smirk off of his face for questioning me.

"Oh please! Pumpkin-" he cackled at me with a condescending glare.
"-Do you really think an entity such as them- really care about such a little irrelevant human like you!?"

I growled growing frustrated with the way he was talking to me.
"YES! And stop calling me, Pumpkin!" I snapped at him and he just chuckled at me with his arms crossed.
"Wh-why do you keep calling him ... them?" I finally asked and he began to laugh uncontrollably, starting with a snicker and then eventually growing into gutteral laughter.

"No way!" he squealed, moving in front of me, nearly straddling me.
"So you don't know shit about them, huh?" he scoffed and I felt a feeling similar to rage and humiliation running through me.

"What!? What about him!?" I cried out in panic.

What does he know that I don't!?

"A lot, pumpkin. A lot-" he replied to my thoughts and I huffed as I tried to move one of my limbs. My arm felt like a heavy weight now, it wouldn't even budge. I panicked inside as I began to realize that all of my limbs felt like dead weight, immovable.

"I immobilized them." he sneered with that same evil grin.

"Please... just let me go! I won't say anything or do anything!" I began to whine at this point, tears trickling from my eyes.

"How about we make a compromise-" he snarked as he leaned closely to my face, his ice blue eyes glaring through my soul.
"-you tell me where the fucking orb is- I will reveal to you, everything your boyfriend is hiding from you. Hm?" he groaned, his voice deep, yet manipulating.

As much as I want to know what is up with Dark, I truly do not want to bring any harm to him. I feel it is better to keep my mouth shut, and let him reveal everything himself... all in due time like he said.

"No." I croaked and Anti's face dropped, it turned from one of hope to one of great disappointment.

"Wow- You really think your little boyfriend is so innocent, huh? That's a shame." he stated as he stood back up over me, apathy laced his voice as if he gave up trying to compromise with me.

He swiftly unsheathed a shiny silver knife from behind him, a glowing green aura enveloped the sharp blade. I jumped, startled, trying to scream as he inched the sharp end of the blade towards my face.

"You asked for it-" he spoke as he pressed the cold metal tip into the skin. The tip of the knife made a tiny sliver in the skin of my cheek, pain settled in rather quickly as I tried to turn my head away from the blade.

Dark- Please!

"Fuck-" Anti seethed as he quickly snatched the blade away from me.

"Pack up boys, I can feel them. They are here." he grunted as he quickly stepped back. His knife vanished in a spark of bright green light and him and his minion guards disappeared faster than I could blink.

In less than a second, I could feel the familiar presence that is Dark's. I felt relieved, but also worried.

I need to know more.

I thought as I felt Dark, silently slide his arms under my back and thighs, lifting me, bridal style, effortlessly.

This is going to ruin us, if I can't know exactly what he is...

Next thing I know, we were up in the air, travelling back to our shared home.

I must know-

The End
Next Part coming soon
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