• Perplexed •

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Dark stood at the threshold of my door, studying me as I woke up, as if he was a parent waiting for his child to tell him what she did at school that got her into so much trouble.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, already feeling guilty when my eyes caught his dark ones.

"Look-" I started, clearing my throat.
"I'm looking-" he replied with frustration underlying his voice.

"Dark- I just- I was just bored and wanted to have fun with Kelly-" I started until he shushed me, shaking his head.
"-Last time you were angry with me, now you were bored with Kelly. What's next?" he shrugged.

I furrowed my brow trying to understand what he was trying to convey.
"Look- I'm sorry, Dark. I truly am. You were just gone for quite awhile and I was just worried... And bored." I muttered as I stared at the floor. Dark nodded his head, understanding.

"I apologize for that." he spoke, suddenly. I looked at him confused.
"I have been gone for a bit and I should have said something." He softly stated and I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

"Uh- Duh- You should have. But you never do... so I have gotten used to that now." I shrugged.
"I understand that now. I am truly sorry. I will began to stick by your side even closer and if I shall leave for any reason, I will always let you know prior." He stated as he moved over to me, taking a seat beside me on my bed. I felt warm inside from his words, but somehow, I knew it would be a catch somewhere.
"That being said... you must stop going to that club and going anywhere near-"
"Anti." I finished his sentence and he gave me a serious look.

"I know. I got it." I spoke, realizing that Anti is out to get him and I, for whatever reason.
"You were right about him. He tried to harm me and I should have stayed away like you said." I stated, admitting my mistakes. However, that didn't change the fact that ever since that incident, I have been very skeptical about Dark and his origins more than ever now.

"But I just wish you stopped hiding so many things about yourself from me. If we are dating and if you really do love me like you say-"
"I do! So much!" he interrupted and I gave him a glare as I finished my sentence.
"-Then you would fucking tell me everything about you and stop telling half-truths and hiding shit from me!" I sternly stated. He was quiet now, the gears in his head turning, trying to figure out why I was acting this way.

"What did he say to you?" he asked, his expression bland.
"What do you m- It doesn't matter! Just tell-" I began to bicker until he interrupted again.
"-It matters because I need to know what you already know, so I can go from there!" he grunted and I just rolled my eyes.
"He called you a... they." I responded after a moment of silence.
"Why?" I asked and he sighed, I could see his demeanor slightly crumbling against his will.

"Is it really that hard to understand?" he asked and my right eye twitched.
"Understand... what!?" I asked, growing frustrated.
"I just- don't have a set gender, baby." he stated and I was still scratching my head.
"What do you mean- I can see very clearly that you are male." I asked, feeling bamboozled.

I bit my lip as I looked up and down his handsome stature. Admiring his buff biceps, to his toned abs, to his brawny thighs and legs.
"And a clearly that you have nice sized co-"
"Well- you see-" Dark inquired, disrupting my train of dirty thoughts.
"-It is very complicated. It is a long backstory that I, frankly, do not feel like getting into." Dark muttered.

Hm... seems like he is telling the truth... but I have got to know something-

"Dark, I have got to know something. You can't keep hiding things from me as my boyfriend. Especially if you want to marry me, you just can't-" I explained and his eyes softened as he nodded his head, thinking very hard about it.

"I- I-" he stuttered, this was the first time I have ever seen him lost for words.
"I am made up of more than one entity." he stated and now I was even more puzzled.
"....What?" I softly asked after a minute went by.
"I am neither a he or a she, I am an entity of many things." he explained, but I was still lost.
"You saw me morph before into a cat, remember?" he asked and I had a vivid flashback to the moment.
"Oh yeah! Yes, I do." I replied and he nodded.
"I am, or can be anything and everything. I am an all-powerful being who can be anything. I have no set gender because-"

"Y-you're not human..." I finished his sentence, the pieces finally coming together in my mind.
"No wonder-" I stroked my chin in thought.

"You're like- kind of like a god?" I asked, excitedly.

"Now- hold on. Let's not take this out of proportion..." he chuckled and I just giggled as I held onto his hand.
"Why didn't you just tell me that before- I have no problem referring to you as whatever it is you want me to refer to you as." I stated, showing that I care.
"Well- because I don't care. If you are only comfortable with dating men, I have no problem being that for you. Plus, it is my default state." He explained and I blushed as I gently pulled at his arm, inching him closer to me, and quickly placing a soft kiss on his pale lips.

My boyfriend is a fucking god...

"Hey-" he muttered and I giggled again, squeezing his buff arm against me.
"Don't read my mind, demon!" I laughed and he let out a small chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's not keep any more secrets, okay?" I softly asked, laying my head upon his shoulder.

"...Okay." he replied.

The End
Next part coming soon.
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