Tendou Made A Groupchat

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Tendou Has Created A Groupchat

Tendou Has Added Oikawa, Kuroo, Sugawara, Asahi, Ushijima, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Daichi, Semi, Kita, Aran, Moniwa, And Daishou

<Tendou Renamed Groupchat 'I'm bored '>

|Tendou| I'm bored sooooooooo

|Tendou| Anyone here?

|Oikawa| Who are you?

|Tendou| 🖕🖕

|Tendou| I'm in your history class

|Oikawa| ???

|Oikawa| Also how did you get my number???

|Ushijima| Oh hello Oikawa and Tendou

|Oikawa| Oh ur that red head that sits in front of me

|Tendou| ^^

|Tendou| Hello Wakatoshi:)))))

|Oikawa| This groupchat seems pointless rlly

|Tendou| 😄

<Tendou Has kicked Oikawa From The Group Chat>

|Tendou| So annoying and for what???😐🤨🤨

|Ushijima| That is sad that he got removed

|Ushijima| Anyways I noticed I forgot to tell you Tendou but I will not be in school tomorrow. Can you let me use your notes when I come back?

|Tendou| Sureヽ(^◇^*)/

|Ushijima| Alright thank you

|Daichi| Hello???

|Tendou| Welcome thigh guy;)

|Tendou| This chat was created cause i'm boreedddddddd

|Tendou| Hence the name;)

|Daichi| Oh

|Daichi| I don't have anyone numbers here except for Ushijima, Kuroo, Bokuto, Asahi, Suga, Kita, and Moniwa

|Daichi| And apparently Oikawa got kicked from the groupchat...

|Tendou| I'll add him back later

|Tendou| I swear- Why are the people who don't know me talking??

|Daichi| I'm sorry we never spoke before???

|Tendou| We should probably introduce ourselves seeing as SOME PEOPLE *cough cough Oikawa* doesn't pay attention to anyone who isn't Iwaizumi😒

|Daichi| Uh,

|Daichi| How did you get our numbers?

|Tendou| Tangerine has everyone's numbers here(*~▽~)

|Tendou| Well mostly everyone

|Tendou| I had to ask others for some of you guys

|Daichi| Sigh

|Daichi| I should really tell hinata to not give our phone numbers to strangers

|Tendou| Anyways do you read manga?

|Daichi| No

|Bokuto| I do!!!

|Tendou| Amazing let's tell everyone spoilers here😍

|Daichi| I-

|Daichi| Hello Bokuto

|Bokuto| Hey daichi!!

|Bokuto| Oh wait who made this group???

|Tendou| If one more persons asks who I am-

|Bokuto| Who are you???

|Tendou| Nvm this was a terrible idea I shouldn't have added any of you people

|Bokuto| :((

|Tendou| I'm muting this chat and taking a nap♡♡

|Bokuto| :(((

|Bokuto| DAICJI!!

|Daichi| I have hw to finish goodnight

|Bokuto| :((((

|Bokuto| Ughhhhh fineeeee i'll do homeowrk too ig😒😒








|Tendou| Wait shit I forgot to add back Oikawa

<Tendou Has Added Oikawa>

|Oikawa| I hope you choke on a dick

|Tendou| Same


this is now on wattpad too!! Might delete it who knows!!

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