Chapter 9

669 22 22

Pog Hate Club

|Kuroo| Embarrassing things you did in the internet, GO!

|Yamaguchi| Tsuki use to make amvs..

|Kageyama| He looks like he would

|Tanaka| I use to make x reader fanfics

|Tanaka| On wattpad

|Tanaka| ThinkIstillhavetheaccpasswordtoo-

|Nishinoya| Link to your fanfics dude?

|Tanaka| Lemme see if I can find them

|Kuroo| Aren't you embarrassed about that

|Tanaka| Nah

|Kuroo| This is suppose to be embarrassing shit

|Shirabu| Yahaba sent a dick pic to me on instagram once

|Yahaba| Shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup

|Sugawara| I didn't know what lemon in fanfics meant so I read one in class

|Kuroo| Now we're getting to the good stuff

|Oikawa| Ew

|Oikawa| We can reply to others?

Kuroo| 🤷‍♂️

|Kuroo| Try

|Oikawa| K

<|Oikawa| replied to |Tanaka| I use to make x reader fanficsLMAOO LOSER

|Tendou| Why is Oikawa such a bitch so early in the mroning

|Oikawa| Mroning

|Daichi| That's what I ask myself everyday

|Bokuto| Um

|Hinata| ...

|Tsukishima| I hate everyone

|Shirabu| You're not special

Bokuto| So uh

|Bokuto| You see, what happened was that uh

|Bokuto| I um

|Atsumu| How tf can someone be stuttering over text-

|Osamu| I've seen you text Sakusa before like :Uh hi-hi O-Omi Kun🥺🥺💔💞"

|Oikawa| Never type like that again

|Atsumu| ...


|Daichi| WHAT

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