The bastard princess and the outing of fish-mulgi

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CHAPTER 3: The bastard princess and the outing of fish-mulgi

"I'm sorry Princess Yerim, but the Crown Prince is currently in class with his scholars. It has been ordered that no one disturb Prince Seulgi during his classes." The Crown Prince's Eunuch, Cha Heesung, extended his apologies towards the 6-year-old monarch. He grimaced, dreading should Joseon's 7th princess throw a tantrum because she wasn't permitted to see her eldest brother—it was no secret in the palace just how much Kim Yerim adored the Crown Prince, if she could, Eunuch Cha was sure that princess Yerim would choose to follow Crown Prince Seulgi every waking moment. It was almost cute, almost.

Although the same couldn't be said for the other princes and princesses, thinking about all the childish squabble and hatred growing between the royal siblings due to rivalry and strife, Eunuch Cha figured dealing with an infatuated princess Yerim would be the lesser of two evils.

"Mama, let us come back once the Crown Prince's training is finished," the court maid accompanying the princess pleaded, they were all seconds away from a straight-out crying princess, who currently held the most affection of King Seunji amongst other princesses. For Kim Yerim was the youngest child of the King with his most favoured consort.

Fortunately, Joseon's 2nd Princess, Son Seungwan, had arrived with her entourage. Eunuch Cha and all the other servants bowed, "Princess Seungwan."

The oldest princess accepted their greeting gracefully. She was the first-born daughter of Son Jin-I, she was also the oldest living princess since Princess Seulki died in the palace fire.

Princess Kim Yerim, seeing her older sister, turned her attention from the servants blocking her way to see her brother to the other royal. "Seungwan-unnie! They won't let me see Seulgi-orabeoni!"

Seungwan smiled affectionately at Yerim, the twelve-year-old monarch crouched down to be of level height with the younger one, "Seulgi-orabeoni is training with his masters, if we go to him, he might get distracted, and he might not finish his studies on time. Don't worry, after his class we can go and have tea with our brother."

The sulking Yerim nodded, trying her best to understand why she wasn't allowed to see her own brother, and why people would be denying a princess.

"Do you promise Seungwan-unnie?" Kim Yerim furrowed her brows, her patience hanging onto Seungwan's words.

"Yes, I pro—"

"Don't listen to her Yerim! She is not our sister," The 3rd princess and Yerim's full-blooded sister, Kim Seolhyun butted into their conversation, her eyes full of hatred as she glared at the adopted monarch. She had arrived at the scene looking for her younger sister, only to see the 2nd princess cooing Yerim—it irritated Seolhyun, 'There she goes, acting like our older sister!'

You see, Son Seungwan is indeed a princess, but only in title. King Seunji in his want to marry Son Jin-I, the widowed daughter of the Chief State Councillor, the King had adopted her infant daughter—which is Son Seungwan.

So, Seungwan although treated as the 2nd Princess, actually is not of royal descent. Her only siblings were the other Son monarchs, and not the Kims and Songs, and most especially not the Crown Prince Yi Seulgi.

The 10-year-old Kim Seolhyun grabbed Yerim's arms away from Seungwan's hold, dragging her younger sister behind her, the 3rd princess despised Seungwan with every fiber of her being—'why would a mere noble be given a title higher than hers?! I am the King's oldest living daughter; I should be the 2nd princess!'

"Your words hold no value here Son Seungwan, you forget your place. Father only took you in because your mother already had you!" Kim Seolhyun fumed, the younger Yerim behind her was trying her best to remove the grip of her aggravated sister on her arm.

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