There's nothing noble in nobility

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The peafowl spreads and ruffles its feathers,

putting itself and its beauty on display,

distracting the lesser, and seducing the stronger.

Though if you see not what is, but what may...

Her talon is sharp for those who wrong her.

Her beauty, enchanting, leaves everyone in disarray.

"Freedom, especially a woman's freedom, is a conquest to be made, not a gift to be received. It isn't granted. It must be taken."

- Federico Felleni


There's nothing noble in nobility

Previously: "Joohyun?" Yongsun, who was puzzled at Joohyun's sudden stop, came near the Bae noble.

Joohyun, still staring back at the palace, curious, slowly shook her head, "Never mind, let's go."

Now heading home, Joohyun will make sure her father pays for his actions tonight. Joohyun will do everything in her power so that Bae Yoonseok will never be Yeomna Sept's Supreme Leader. Joohyun will do everything, even if it meant that she would be the one to succeed her grandfather.

After hours of traversing home, Joohyun and Yongsun, accompanied by a handful of Yeomna Sept Guards finally arrived at their estate.

"Young Lady Bae has arrived!"

The gates of the estate creaked as the heavy wood was forced open by the guards. Strange looks greeted the Bae as she led her horse forward.

The gate guards had saucers for eyes at the sight of Bae Joohyun atop a horse, her hanbok skirt torn at its side, her milky white skin on display..

The tear on her skirt was done to help her straddle and control her father's unfamiliar horse better. Still... because of it, Joohyun was an even more tantalizing sight and the lascivious guards were like rabid dogs foaming at the mouth.

Yongsun, who had protested when her lady had taken a sharp steel hairpin and basically slaughtered her satin skirt, glared at the sept guards who had their eyes stuck like glue on Joohyun's thighs.

Coughing, Yongsun raised her voice, rushing to get Joohyun far from the heinous men. "Lady Bae, let us go."

Joohyun wasn't oblivious to the guards' stares, but still acted indifferent. She doesn't really care for what these peasant men do... only that they stay away and remain like the dirt under her doll-feet shoes.

The noble gave a tug on the reins of her father's horse, leading it towards the road to her residence. The guards who accompanied her from the capital quickly followed. Hoping to get their lady settled and safe before retiring from their duties.

The group left, leaving a trail of dust but Yongsun stayed for a few seconds more. Her sharp eyes, now taking the attention of the gate guards.

"The next time you so ever inappropriately look at Lady Joohyun that way... believe me... I will gouge your eyes out." Yongsun threatened. Her lifelong service towards Joohyun, has borne fruit to both a protective nature and a sinister tendency. Couple that, with her reputation as the Bae heiress's right hand woman, and the gate men who earlier had their eyes feasting on the young noble's skin were shaking like little boys.

"Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, lady Kim."

At the men's cowardly submission, Yongsun scoffed scathingly before turning to catch up with her lady.

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