The King, the Noble, and the Commoner

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There was a treasure found by a child on an empty field. So, the child had run and told a man about it. They both agreed to take the treasure from the plot. So, they went to the owner of the land and asked if they could take the treasure.

The owner of the land having knowledge of the treasure but had no way to take it from the land where it was stuck, agreed. In the condition that one-half of the treasure would be given back to him as the owner of the land.

Both child and man agreed. And so, they worked day and night digging the treasure, and once they finally got the treasure.

The man, gave the agreed half to the owner—six carts full of silver, gold, and nickel.

The man gave the child a bag full of gold and sent him home, saying that that much was enough for a person as young as the child.

The child, still innocent, went home with a happy heart with only a bag full of treasure.

Instead of giving half of what's left to the child who shared all his troubles and found the treasure in the first place, the man kept the rest for himself.

So now you know, the story of the King who owned the land but did nothing.

The commoner who found the treasure and worked the field.

And the cunning noble who took advantage of the innocent child.


The King, the Noble, and the Commoner

Seulgi looked at herself in the mirror, her hands were shaking as she caressed the simple embroidery work on the commoner's robe that she was wearing. It was her first time wearing a girl's robes, staring at her reflection, she couldn't help but notice the missing crown on her head, it was normally seated on her top knot, but there was no crown on her head, nor was there a top knot. She strangely felt as if the burden she has long been carrying is simply gone.

She looked so different, with her hair tied at the bottom of her nape like every other commoner... she wondered, had her brother lived, would she be able to feel like this every day? To feel so light and careless? Like she could do what she wanted without fearing people hearing words that shouldn't be said? Or doing things that could end her life?

Tying the dull beige hanbok she was wearing, she heard Court Lady Kim call for her, "Mulgi-ya, come, we have to go."

Remembering earlier in the day, before they had entered the village—Court Lady Kim had asked her to call the older woman by the term imo or aunt. Whilst Seulgi would be called, Mulgi. Funny how a monarch's secret name literally means fish. "Yes, imo."

Kim Jungsuh who had been waiting outside the room for the disguised monarch had been shocked to see just how different the younger girl appeared—and it was not based on her physical appearance but in the way that the child carried herself. And when the monarch had smiled at her once their eyes met, it was the first time those monolid eyes became like crescent moons, the older woman couldn't help but smile back.

"Let's go."

It wasn't a long walk before Seulgi and Kim Jungsuh had reached the plain field where the court lady's sister-in-law was laid, her pyre would be lit at nightfall.

Seeing as there were only a few people present at the pyre, the monarch just followed Jungsuh's lead, as they both bowed and paid their respects at the pyre.

"It is nice to see you again Jungsuh, it's been too long." A man who looked like Kim Jungsuh had stepped forward and brought the court lady into his arms. Seulgi assumed that this would be court lady Kim's brother.

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