Angels, demons, Lilith and the 66 seals.
Ever since the intervention of rescuing the eldest Winchester from Hell and bringing him back to life, the angels explain that they've arrived on Earth for the first time in two decades in order to prevent th...
Later that night, the hunters heard a rumour of yet another person dying in a mysterious way, only this time, it happened at a college party.
Entering the crime scene, Madelyn held a hand up, causing the brothers to come to a sudden halt as her sister stood beside her.
"Cami and I will look for the hex bag." She stated as she eyed the officers at the scene. "Just keep them busy."
With the Winchesters parting ways, the sisters turned to each other and exchanged knowing looks.
If they knew anything about hex bags, it was that witches loved hiding them in places where it would be difficult to find.
Splitting up with her sister, the young huntress scanned the entirety of her half of the room before her blue gaze landed on a couch.
Tilting her head slightly, she walked over to the couch and quickly peeked over towards Sam and Dean, only to find them speaking with a blonde girl who appeared as if she had been crying.
Crouching down, the blonde reached her hand into the cushions and felt around until her hand came into contact with a foreign object. Grabbing hold of the object and pulling her hand out of the cushions, she had found the item to be exactly what she was looking for.
A hex bag.
With a heavy sigh, she stood up straight and turned towards Camryn and the boys, holding up the hex bag which had immediately caught their attention.
Receiving firm nods from the eldest huntress and the hunters, Madelyn quickly slipped the bag into her back pocket and made her way out to the Impala - with Camryn close behind her, who was soon followed by Sam and Dean.
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Back at the motel room, the girls gathered in the boys' room where they began hitting the books.
Dean was seated at the table in front of a laptop, while Camryn was lying on her stomach, on the floor, as her fingers danced across the keyboard of her own laptop.
Beside her, was Madelyn paging through books with her back up against the bed that Sam lied on - who was paging through books himself.
"I'm telling you, both these vics are squeaky clean. There is no reason for a wicked bitch payback." Dean said.
"Maybe cause it's not about that." Sam replied as he suddenly sat up straight and leaned towards Madelyn, handing the book over to her.
The eldest brother looked at him questioningly. "Wow, insightful." He responded sarcastically.
"Sam's right." Madelyn said as her blue gaze scanned through the words on the page.
"Maybe this witch isn't working the grudge, maybe they're working a spell." The younger brother continued.
"Three blood sacrifices over three days, the last before midnight on the final day of the final harvest." Madelyn explained as she turned the book around and tapped her finger on the page. "Celtic Calendar, the final day of the final harvest is October 31st."
"Halloween." Dean stated.
"Exactly." Sam nodded.
"What exactly are the, uh, blood sacrifices for?" The sandy haired male quizzed.
"Uh, if I'm right, this witch is summoning a demon, and not just any demon - Samhain." The tall hunter answered.
"Am I supposed to be impressed?" Dean asked.
"Dean, Samhain is the damn origin of Halloween." Sam said. "The Celts believed that October 31st was the one night of the year when the veil was the thinnest between the living and the dead, and it was Samhain's night. I mean, masks were put on to hide from him, sweets left on doorsteps to appease him, faces carved into pumpkins to worship him. He was exorcised centuries ago."
"So even though Samhain took a trip downstairs, the tradition stuck?" The eldest hunter quizzed.
"Exactly, only now instead of demons and blood orgies Halloween is all about kids, candy and costumes." Madelyn responded.
Dean nodded to himself. "Okay, so some witch wants to raise Samhain and take back the night?" He asked.
"Dean, this is serious." Sam scolded.
"I am serious." The eldest brother retorted.
"We are talking heavyweight witchcraft." The youngest said. "This ritual can only be performed every six hundred years."
"And the six hundred year marker rolls around...?" Dean trailed off.
"Tomorrow night." Camryn replied, glancing between her sister and the brothers.
"Naturally." The hunter mumbled and looked at the book, flipping the page. "Well it sure is a lot of death and destruction for one demon."
"That's because he likes company." Sam explained. "Once he's raised, Samhain can do some raising of his own."
Dean arched a brow towards his younger brother. "Raising what, exactly?" He asked slowly.
"Dark, evil crap and lots of it, I mean, they follow him around like the friggin' Pied Piper." Sam answered.
"So we're talking ghosts." The eldest brother stated.
"Yeah." The youngest confirmed.
With a roll of her eyes, Madelyn grabbed the pillow that lied at the foot of the bed behind her and tossed it at the green-eyed hunter, successfully hitting him in the face before he could get another word out.
"Thank you." Camryn said gratefully with a content sigh as she closed her eyes.
Dean narrowed his verdant gaze at the young, blue-eyed huntress and threw the pillow back at her, only to miss as she smirked, dodging it.
"Those little dudes are scary." He pointed out. "Small hands."
"Look, it just starts with ghosts and ghouls, this sucker keeps on going, by night's end we are talking every awful thing we've ever seen." Sam continued, getting back onto the topic at hand. "Everything we fight, all in one place."
"It's gonna be a slaughterhouse." Dean stated, shifting his gaze between his brother and the girls.