Chapter 29-Light Curtain Reality

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    Bai Luo left Coral Village almost as if he was fleeing. He has never been afraid of anyone since he was a child. The idol is definitely the first!

    Fortunately, after leaving the mirage, the two should not have any intersections.

    Bai Luo lightly breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in the light curtain together with Kang Yao, supporting each other.

    When coming in from the outside, if there is no accident, they can enter the mirage in less than a second, but when going out from the mirage, they will stay in the light curtain for a while before going out.

    Not far in front, there were two or three small black boxes faintly placed. When Kang Yao saw the black box, all of the fatigue was gone. Only excitement is left.

    "Xiao Luo, our reward is here!"

    After the Mirage is cleared, according to the difficulty level of the mirage, the rewards for those who pass the level are also different.

    Kang Yao helped Bai Luo pass quickly. Under normal circumstances, everyone who cleared the customs can get a small box, and then distribute different rewards according to their degree of participation in the mirage.

    In the same mirage, some people may get S-level super-powerful items through customs, and some people can only get B-level scraps.

    At this moment, in front of them, three small black boxes were stacked.

    Kang Yao smiled so much that his faces were blooming. He and Bai Luo actually got three small black boxes, earning more than two.

    However, Kang Yao counted the small boxes. The more you check, the more you feel. wrong.

    "Huh? Why are they all my boxes?"

    Kang Yao looked at the three words [Su Yaoyao] marked on the three boxes and was stunned.

    "Xiao Luo, why don't you have any of them?"

    This is unscientific! Obviously Bai Luo led him to lie down to win, how could Bai Luo not have a box?

    Kang Yao was agitated and Bai Luo was still indifferent. They came out of the mirage, and as long as one of them got the reward, it was not a loss.

    "Look at the rewards in the box first."

    "Yeah." Kang Yao nodded, and then quickly opened the box.

    Box 1: A B-level hotel discount card, scope of use: Mirage, validity period: permanent.

    Box 2: Two bags of A-grade donkey-hide gelatin. Function: Quickly replenish blood.

    Kang Yao: "..."

    These two boxes are also useful for Ejiao.

    However, when he really eats donkey-hide gelatin, he has to vomit.

    Kang Yao took a deep breath, then opened the last box.

    He is ready, no matter what rubbish stuff is in the last box, he will be Buddhist.

    Box 3: Rare S-level talent ability-mental healing! Note: The talent ability increases in proportion to the master's strength.

    Kang Yao: "!"

    "Fuck! Innate ability!"

    Kang Yao quickly raised his hand and rubbed it for fear that he was wrong. He actually obtained √ 藄芰芰Γ and is still a rare spiritual healing ability, but the big brothers are jealous.

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