Information On My AM (WIP)

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•This Ink!Sans is not like the normal FGOD Ink, he's actually a nice guy once you get to know him.

•He doesn't hate Error, he just doesn't want him to destroy so much. Fortunately, Ink has noticed Error never destroys main AUs, and is thankful for that.

•Ink!Sans has no creation power whatsoever. He does not create the AUs, the CREATORS do. Ink also has NO say over the limit of creation.

•Ink does not want Error dead.

•Ink's pronouns are he/him and they/them, but he prefers he/him.

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•Error feels a lot of guilt in what he did to the AUs.

•Error is Geno, but doesn't remember.


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Dream and Nightmare

•Dream is not actually a Sans, but a otherworldy being created by the Tree of Feelings. Dream's body was created with some of Swap's code and body.

•Nightmare is also not a Sans, but also a otherworldy being created by the Tree of Feelings as well. They also uses some of Swap's code and body.

•Dream can shapeshift, but does not do it because it will break their bones. They learned that the hard way.

•Nightmare can shapeshift without breaking their bones due to their goopy-like state.

•Dream is 500+ years old, and so is Nightmare.

•Dream's pronouns are they/them. They have no assigned gender.

•Nightmare's pronouns are they/them. They have no assigned gender.

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Underswap!Sans / Swap!Sans

•Swap and Blue are the same skeletons.


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