She's Here

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Huh what is this place? Where am I? I thought as I woke up in an unfamiliar room.


There was a loud sound. I freaked out and rushed through the door. "What the..." There was a wall in front of the door.

BANG!! Another loud sound.

I saw a blur figure walking in the room. "Wahh who's there?? What's going on?" I almost shrieked. Suddenly the whole room went upside down and then everything went black. I fell into a snow field. "It's so cold." I said as the chilling wind hit my face.

I heard a faint voice of someone crying. I turned around to look. I couldn't see clearly but it was a person with long black hair. She was crying. Walking slowly I approached her. "Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Suddenly I tripped. I raised my head to see her.

She turned around and I saw her lips moving but I couldn't hear a word. She was so close to me and yet instantly, the distance between us just grew larger. "I can't hear you!" I shouted as I tried getting up.


The girl disappeared. "Where did she go?" I thought to myself. Suddenly the whole view again changed. I was standing in the middle of a river.I felt something dripping on my shoulder. I touched my shoulder. There was a warm liquid. Blood. "WAHH!! Wha-?" I screeched.

"Aahh!!" I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. "That was a horrible dream. I thought I was gonna die" I thought as I stood up. I looked at the clock it was 6:45 am. "Hmm.. I should get ready for school. Don't wanna be late or gramps will get mad."


"Gramps I'm leaving for school. Bye."

"Okay, have a good day and don't even try running away this time!"

"Yeah whatever.." he mumbled.

"He doesn't look okay. I hope he adjusts here soon. I can't force him anymore." Gramps thought.


"That was a really weird dream. A bad start of the day. Ugh I don't like this. I just hope not to run into that idiot boar."

I was walking mindlessly lost in my thoughts when I ran into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking." I said as I picked up the books from the floor. I stood up to give the books to the person.

"YOU!?" Me and the girl said in unison.

"She's here!" I thought to myself.


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