I Didn't Sign Up For This - The First Day

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"Welcome, Zenitsu Agatsuma. If you come with us, we can show you around the school."

Two little girls said in a synchronized voice. They almost looked like as if they were twins. They had pale skin and large plum eyes. Their hair were shaped into a blunt bob, one of them had white while the other had black hair. Both of them were wearing a purple colored, flower patterned kimono and a headset of some flowers on a side of their heads. They looked like about four to six years old.

"Gramps what these kindergarteners are doing here in high school, oh so we really are doing a play for children?" He said confused. Gramps patted on his back and said "They are Kiriya Ubuyashiki and Kanata Ubuyashiki, the children of the principal, Kagaya Ubuyashiki. And Kiriya isn't a girl."

"Hhh, Wha-" he looked at gramps then looked at the kids.

"It was confusing to me too at the start." Kaigaku said.

"Should we start now?"

"Yeah.. sure.."

"Would you like to acompany us?" Gramps asked Kaigaku. "No I've better things to do" he responded and then went away.

Zenitsu followed the two kids along with gramps.

"Here in Demon Slayer Academy, students are ranked according to their scores in physical and strategic abilities. Their strong will is what makes them get better ranks and be a great demon slayer." (Pro tip, lol)

Zenitsu's POV

'Huh, what are they talking about? Am I being pranked or ragged something like that?' i thought as I couldn't get a single word they said. They talked about how the school tasks are held and some sort of demon stuff, that I really didn't get. For about 10 minutes they gave me a brief introduction and showed me only one block or building of the school. I wonder why they didn't show the other buildings.

"What about the other buildings?" I asked

"This building is for the first year students. Your classes and other activities will be held in this building." Both of them said in their synchronized voice and than turned towards me.

"Oh, okay" I replied.

"A test will be held in a week to see if you really have the capability to become a demon slayer. It's a great opportunity and responsibility. So you should better prepare for your test. Well, Jigoro selected you so we think you will do great. Again, we welcome you to the Ubuyashiki DS academy." They said and then walked away, meanwhile I just stood there with my last three brain cells on the brink of extinction. I gave a
surprised-confused look to gramps.

"What? You didn't like the school or Oh-"

"What is this all about gramps? What were they talking about and all these students with swords and stuff?" I asked him in a bit loud and terrified tone.

"Look, I'll give a detailed explanation later, but for now I'll tell you three things. Demons are real, it all started about a century ago."

"Wha- but they aren't, what is going on?"

"They are. I've fought them. Now listen to me you dumb shit. This organization trains selected people who have the potential to fight and defeat those creatures. Third thing and the last one, you are gonna fucking train and become a great demon slaye-"

"But gramps.." I said almost crying, tears fell down from my eyes.

"No buts, I have seen the potential in you since you were a kid. You can even surpass me."

"This is scary gramps, I'm going home. I'm not gonna be a slayer or whatever this shit is. I'll d-i-e!!!" I said while crying as I stepped back. I just lost my mind. 'This stuff is so terrifying to even listen to.' I thought.

"Zenitsu don't be so childish, you can't go back and you won't die!"

"No gramps, you tricked me!" I said as I ran away from gramps.

'Why would you do this, I'll surely die.' I thought while running. I was so terrified and tears wouldn't even stop from falling. I don't have the guts to do this all. I cannot. I thought as I ran as fast as I could. But I hadn't even gone far yet and gramps somehow just appeared in front of me.

"What the-" I quickly turned to the other side and ran even more faster.

"Zenitsuuu!! What are you doing???" He said as he followed me.

I quickly climbed up on a tree and took a seat on one of the branches.

"Get down Zenitsu! Right now!"

I looked down, a lot of people gathered around. "No I won't! I don't wanna die yet gramps!" I said crying with my eyes closed.


In a blink of eyes I was on the ground being pulled by gramps. I saw a man on the tree I had climbed. He had a pale complexion, black hair with strange bangs and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a haori that was split down the down into two different patterns. 'Man, is he a clown or something (lol). Why is he standing at the place I was sitting few moments ago. Oh, wait I get it but how did he get me down the tree. What's going on!??' I thought while being pulled by my collar. Gramps stopped after a few minutes.

"Now what was that? Didn't I tell you? You can't go anywhere Zenitsu. Try to understand."

"Understand? Shit?"

"What did you just say??"

"Uhh, sorry gramps. But I can't do this" I said in a breaking low voice with tears still falling down my eyes.

"While you were doing all this drama, the bell had rung. It's been about ten minutes, now go to your class and I'll see you later." He said as he walked away.

I sighed as I said "I really didn't sign up for this."

" I don't even know where my class is" I said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder followed by a voice.



Hey! I hope y'all are good and enjoying this fanfic, lol😂. Just imagine crying Zenitsu running in the school. I'd try to explain in a better way next time.

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