A New School

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A young boy with blonde orange hair, about seventeen years old, is sleeping on his bed. The harsh sunlight falls onto his face through the window panes and wakes him up from his peaceful nap.

"Agh" He grunts rubbing his eyes and turns to the other side of the bed to see what time on Earth it was.

"1:39pm!!! What the-, mom might be so mad at me." He fell off the bed with shock. "I really slept for so long, what was I doing all night." He thinks and then says, "Oh! I was rewatching my favorite anime series. Man I really need to stop binge watching stuff."
He gets up and goes for a shower, after freshening up he goes downstairs. He greets his mother.

"What's for lunch mom?" He asks his mother.

"Oh so the lazy boy is finally up." She replied smiling at him.

"Haha, yeah..." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, I've made some rice with curry, soup and ramen."

"Sounds yummmm yummm to my tummy."

After having the meal, Zenitsu went into his room to play some video games.

(In the evening)

Zenitsu hears a knock on his door.


"May I come in my lazy boy?"

"Oh mom, yes."

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing mom, just playing some video games."

"Well, I talked to your grandpa today and he wants to send you to the school he used to work at."

"Really? But it's summer vacations and it'd be midterms."

"Yes honey,but weren't you disturbed by your current school's environment? Your gramps said that it's best for you."

"Yeah.. well if gramps said so then it'll really be best for me."

"Moreover, he said that Kaigaku's also there."
"Reallyyy?" Zenitsu said happily. "It's been so long since I met him. "

"So I think I should say yes to your grandpa."

"Yessssss momm."

Zenitsu was so happy and he had been thinking about going to a new school. He waited for the vacations to end so that he could meet his gramps and his cousin Kaigaku.

"Summer's about to end and gramps will be here tomorrow, then we'll be off to his town. I wonder what's so special about that school that gramps wants me to go there... Surely I'm not as good academically as Kaiguka is.. " He looks at the clock and it's 11:30 pm. " Well I should sleep now I've to do remaining packing early morning." He thought and then turned the lamp off and slept.


He woke up as the alarm was too loud, it was 6:00 am. He was so excited, he jumped off his bed and after having the breakfast he quickly packed all his stuff for going with his gramps.
It was about 12:00pm when his mother called him saying that gramps' here. He went downstairs excitedly.

"Grammmppsss!" He ran and greeted him then hugged him.

"I missed you a lot, how're you?"

"I'm good little boy, and I'm grandpa not gramps kiddo."

They had lunch and talked about stuff. The mother insisted on staying for the night and to leave the next day. Gramps somehow agreed.
The next day, they had breakfast and then got ready to leave.

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