The Real Nazareno • 4

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Monday has arrived, and Rafa was in front of Lolo Cres' house right on the dot. Lolo Cres took him straight to the home library to go over the plans to access the Real Nazareno. Despite his desperation in getting to the Nazareno, Rafa was overwhelmed by Lolo Cres' library. It wasn't just a collection of books, Rafa noted, but it had stacks of journals and original research as well as shelves upon shelves of artifacts and icons. There was even a shelf filled with bottles and weapons. 

I could live and die here, Rafa thought. This was everything I could possibly want.

Rafa decided right then and there that he was going to strike some deal with Lolo Cres so that he gets access to this library from time to time. Maybe he needs an assistant. For now, there was the business of the Nazareno to deal with. 

"The Nazareno's reputation for miracles didn't just stem from the 1863 incident you mentioned," Lolo Cres said. "Although when this is all over, you're going to tell me where you got a hold of the pictures you have on your device. Those pictures are-"

"Top secret?" Rafa interrupted. "I was given access to UST's archive section, Lolo."

"You wouldn't find those pictures in the archives. I know every book in there."

"No. I meant the OTHER archive."

Lolo Cres stopped and stared at Rafa. "You were allowed to enter THAT archive?"

"Yes, Lolo." Rafa was beaming with pride. "I guess I showed enough aptitude po."

Oh you showed them more than that, Rafa. What is it about this kid? What secrets is he hiding?

"Anyway," Lolo Cres continued. "The archive documentation will only have the 1863 incident, but the truth is that the original Black Nazarene has been exhibiting true healing capabilities ever since it arrived in Manila." Lolo Cres opens one of his journals and shows it to Rafa. "They say that not only did the crew of the ship that brought the Nazareno here not get sick during the trip, they were in prime physical condition, almost superhuman even."

"The Nazareno was first housed inside the San Juan Bautista Church in Bagumbayan before getting transferred to the San Nicolas Church inside Intramuros. Even then, the image was already performing small acts of healing, so the devotion to the image grew. That's why the image was transferred to San Nicolas in the first place, to keep it 'within the Walls'." 

Lolo Cres took a sip of tea before continuing. "But even then, the throngs of people clamoring to see the Nazareno was too overwhelming for Intramuros that it was decided that a replica was going to be sent over to the Church of the Camisa in Quiapo."

"Quiapo Church," Rafa added. "That original transfer was the basis of the Traslación procession held every January in Manila."

"You said that last time," Lolo Cres snapped. "But unknown to many, the Recollects actually had TWO replicas done. One to donate to the Quiapo Church, and one to take the place of the real Nazareno. It was hoped," Lolo Cres turned a page in his journal and showed it to Rafa, "that exchanging the real Nazareno with an ordinary replica would lessen the number of people visiting the image."

"That makes sense, because the replica wouldn't have the healing capabilities of the original, so people will move on." Rafa concluded.

"But then the 1863 earthquake happened. Prior to that, the real Nazareno was just hidden in a chamber inside the convent. The convent was damaged during the earthquake, exposing the real Nazareno. The moment people set eyes on the real image, they were instantaneously healed of all their injuries. As much as the Recollects wanted to secure the image, they could not turn away those injured by the earthquake. The Nazareno healed over 200 people that day."

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