The Library of Lolo Cres

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It was an uncomfortably warm morning, the type of warm that leads to rain in a few days. Rafa was running through the streets of Malate, trying to get to Lolo Cres' house before 9am. 

"Barely made it in time, Rafa." Lolo Cres clucked disapprovingly as Rafa hurled himself inside the house. "I hope this isn't going to be the regular scenario moving forward, hijo."

"Sori talaga, Lolo!" Rafa finally said once he caught his breath. "Mama wanted to make breakfast for me kanina and she kinda took her time."

"Ingrato!" Lolo Cres rapped Rafa in the head with that day's newspaper. "You thank your lucky stars that your mother can actually cook you breakfast nowadays!" Lolo's expression softens. "She is doing well, I presume?"

"She's doing amazing po." Rafa followed Lolo Cres inside the house. "She's not totally cured daw, according to her attending physician, but it really looks like her cancer went in remission. She'll still need to be monitored and stuff, but anything's better than her being trapped in the ICU."

"Good, good." Lolo Cres said. "And you? How are you doing after last week?"

"Honestly, I've been better than fine!" Rafa exclaimed. "The Nazareno didn't just heal my injuries, it cured almost every ailment I had! My lumbar scoliosis is gone! I have carpal tunnel syndrome on both wrists, that's gone too! I usually have daytime asthma, that's also gone! Even my skin cleared up! That's insane!"

"That's slightly surprising," Lolo Cres said. "The Nazareno shouldn't be that potent. You're lucky, I guess. Anyway, let me give you a guided tour of the house."

"I bought this house back in 1982 for a lark," Lolo Cres began as he brought Rafa to the sala. "The previous owner died in his sleep, and his remaining relatives didn't want anything to do with this property. They thought it was haunted."

"Ummm... Is it?" Rafa looked around nervously.

"Actually, it was!" Lolo Cres remarked way too eagerly. "Three spirits, and a Tiyanak in the garden. Don't worry about it, hijo," He snapped at Rafa, who looked freaked out. "I've dispatched all of them a long time ago. Anyway, I bought this house in 1982 because this was where Lydia and I were to spend our retirement. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be the case."

"Who's Lydia po?" Rafa asked. "Your wife?" There was no mention of Lolo Cres having a partner of any sort in any of his official documents, as far as Rafa knew.

"You could say she was my fiance, I suppose. Sadly, she died during a particularly nasty mission."

"I'm sorry, Lolo." Rafa said. He had a million questions about this Lydia and whatever mission she died in, but it wouldn't be respectful to Lolo to do so. "Anyway, about the house..."

"Oh yes. The house was built in that mediterranean style people loved in the 20s. It has four bedrooms, two baths, the living/dining area, and a rather spacious kitchen. However, as you brazenly pointed out last week, I've stopped caring about how the house looked like. Realistically, this place should have fallen apart long ago, if it weren't for the dozens of spells and charms I've placed on this house."

"Okay, let me get this straight," Rafa interjected. "The only thing keeping this house together, is magic?!?"

Lolo Cres almost look apologetic. "Not the most responsible use of my powers, I know."

"But why?" Rafa was confused. "If this house is too much for you, why not sell this off and get a smaller place?

"I have my reasons, hijo. Most of them are sentimental, but can you blame me? But the biggest reason would be the library. Follow me."

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