The Real Nazareno • 6

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Lolo Cres and Rafa finally made it to the end of the corridor. There before them, behind an ornate grill, was the real Nazareno.

"There it is, Hijo." 

Rafa's eyes teared up. "It's real. It's actually real."

While it looks just like the replica in Quiapo, this image radiated a calm but powerful energy. Rafa suddenly felt energized, and even Lolo Cres stood a bit taller. Rafa could not help but kneel in front of the image in reverence and awe, overcome by emotion.

This boy now knows how it feels to be touched by the hand of God, Lolo Cres thought, pleased at Rafa's respect and devotion to the Nazareno. But they had no time to waste.

"The gate is protected by defense magics, but it's nothing I can't unravel." Lolo Cres told Rafa as he got up. "Once I've opened the gate, take the-"

"LOOK OUT!" Rafa screamed as he pulled Lolo Cres out of the way. Lolo Cres has not seen who their attacker is, but he heard the unmistakable swish of a large sword. The lights from the lamps suddenly went out, and the sound of armored footsteps now rang across the dark corridor.

Well, we expected this chamber to be defended, didn't we, Lolo thought. Let's get right to it.

"Rafa, where are you?" Lolo Cres called out. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Lolo!" Rafa called out. "What was that?!?"

Lolo Cres was not sure, and the sudden darkness was not helping their cause. Whispering some words from a language long thought dead, Lolo Cres conjured a ball of light. Now they will see what was attacking them.

The metallic footsteps suddenly stopped. Lolo Cres and Rafa prepared for the worst. Suddenly, a bright flash of light exploded in front of them, revealing what looked like an armored angel. The being then drew out a large broadsword, blanketed in fire.

"Sanctus Miles," Lolo Cres and Rafa said at the same time. A "Holy Soldier", a mythical being tasked to defend against the enemies of the Church.

"I thought that was just a figure of speech," Rafa said, slumping against the grill.

"Oh they're real enough," Lolo Cres spat out. "They are deadly, single-minded in intent, and they don't have any known weaknesses. I've never had to fight one before."

"But you can fight against it, right? RIGHT?!?" Rafa said, the panic rising in his voice.

"I'm not sure, and I don't want to." Lolo Cres said.


"To fight one is to damn your soul to Hell!" Lolo Cres shouted, "And I don't want to go to Hell!"


Lolo Cres took a deep breath and approached the being as slowly as he could. He put down his satchel of potions and charms and raised his hands, showing he held no weapons and was absolutely defenseless against this being.

Lolo ran through all the spells he had that could ensnare or immobilize a target. He wasn't sure if any of them would work on a Sanctus Miles, so he will save that as a last resort. The only other thing he could do, was to introduce himself.

"Holy sentinel, we mean no harm. My name is Cresensio de los Reyes. I was the espada noble of the La Orden de San Longino, which I served for over forty years. I have fought the enemies of the Church for decades, and I remain its humble servant. All we want is an audience with the Nazareno. Please, will you let us through?"

The sentinel did not move, nor did Lolo Cres. Each second felt like an eternity. Rafa could hardly breathe. Finally the Sanctus Miles spoke.

"I have searched your heart, Cresencio." The sentinel said in a booming, almost metallic tone. "All you say is true. However, I have been tasked to defend the treasures of La Camara against anybody without the mark of God on them."

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