18 - giant blushing art nerd

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"COME ON, LET'S GET STARTED ALREADY!" you urged, bouncing up and down on your heels. tendou looked back at you from across the room, where he was standing over a machine that looked similar to a printer.

"eager, are we?" he drawled with a slight smirk, his heart nearly stopping when you smiled at him instead of your usual scowl. "why don't you go ahead and get comfortable? i'll be by your side in a minute, okay?" he said, trying to hide the fact that he was currently dying.

you nodded and walked to stand beside the large tattoo chair, it's the sleek black leather suddenly looking intimidating.

as you tried to look past your new coming anxieties, you dragged your hand up from your hips to slide up your hoodie and unzip the skirt from around your waist.

once the fabric loosened, you grabbed the hem of the skirt and began to tug. as you shimmied out of your skirt, your gaze moved up to find tendou looking at you curiously. he was doing that super cute head tilt he usually adopted when he was either concentrating or zoning out.

your eyes still on him, you tilted your head to match the angle of his, leading him to make eye contact with you and realize that you saw him staring.

you continued while keeping eye contact, and his eyes that were once locked on yours began to follow the trail of your skirt as it slid down your legs and onto the floor.

flashing him another sweet smile, you stopped his heartbeat for the second time that hour. "ready?" you asked.

tendou let out a shaky breath and mumbled something only audible to him, "fuck, this is gonna be a long day."

doodles, s. tendouWhere stories live. Discover now