[xiv] how would they comfort you

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Piggy🐚If you're looking for someone who'll give you space, you have the wrong guy but if you prefer to get advice and talk things out, he is a good choice

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If you're looking for someone who'll give you space, you have the wrong guy but if you prefer to get advice and talk things out, he is a good choice. Oh, and he doesn't mind hugs either. Now, depending on how upset you are he'd either just give you some advice (limiting your talking time) or let you vent and try to calm you down first, before looking for solutions to your problems

Surprisingly, he'd also approach the matter from a 'just another issue to solve' angle. But he's not one to offer unsolicited advice, if you don't want him to propose any solutions to you, he'll accept it and stick to keeping you company. To be honest I wouldn't say he's particularly good at making you feel better because he can be a little dumb when it comes to that. He has grown since his island days and had learned to be more empathetic but he's not all that great with making people feel heard and understood. He will try though, because he wants to be there for you like you were there for him

Most of the time he feels like there's not much he can do, so he just lets you vent until you feel better. He'd also hold you and make you feel safe, letting you cry into his shoulder if you need it. Later, when the worst of your breakdown is over, he'd try to talk with you about it, but if you choose not to engage he'd respect that

As seen in the book he lacks empathy and understanding so to come to him for comfort is an interesting choice (but not one I'd be above of, so I can't judge). He's the type of person who bottles everything up and can't understand why others can't do that too. So when faced with your state he'd ask you questions, trying to understand the issue, however painful answering might be to you. If he'd have to he would wrap his arm around you stiffly and let you cry or vent, whatever you need more. Don't be fooled by his act, he doesn't mind making you feel better. If it's a situation of any kind that has left you in need of comfort he'd let you figure things out on your own. If it was a person, however, he might get involved. Nothing too bad but I can promise you he'll be a total prick to the said person

Okay, this is even worse than the one above. Roger has a lot of positive traits and talents, truly, but empathy isn't on the list. His idea of comforting you is to distract you with something fun and hope for the best. After you calm down and can talk, he'll ask if you want to talk about it. Whatever your answer would be, he'd respect that. As for physical comfort while he's not one for touching he'd make an exception for you at the time of need, though hesitantly. While his comforting isn't the best, he'd definitely be the most extra in the aftermath. If you find 'who did it to you' sort of scenario corny, then you're in for a ride here because he's the pettiest person around and whoever had upset you will know not to do that again

His idea of comfort, though quite basic, is pretty sweet. He'll tell you to come over to his place after school, make your favourite tea or fresh lemonade (depending on the temperature) and wrap his arms around you. He might then turn on the radio (post island) or put on some movies (modern au) to get your mind off of your problems. If you need it, he might offer to do a sleepover so that you wouldn't be left alone for the night. With the intense amount of begging and supervision, his mom complies every time

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