[xxxviii] having a sleepover with them

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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: MGlikescake

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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: MGlikescake

It would have to be at his house since he truly is the embodiment of "mom (aunt) come pick me up I'm scared". And yes, I'm talking about older Piggy. After you came to his place you would immediately be greeted by his aunt, who would pop in often to ask if you two need anything. She's very enthusiastic about you being over ("oh, he mentions you all the time!" "I'm so glad he finally has some friends") making Piggy more than a little embarrassed. If you're starting to suspect she's one of those "my future son/daughter in law" people, you are absolutely right. At times when you are left to your own devices, to the extent it's possible, you two just hang out in Piggy's room. He might have made a list of things to do, just to entertain you but he won't tell you that. Whether you want to build a fort or do karaoke (though you'd have to really talk him into that one) it's your call. Around one o'clock the fun is over, I don't see him staying up all night. Laying in bed you two can still talk though until one of you falls asleep. In the morning his aunt would make you breakfast and you two could go to the movies or stay in and play some games.

Oh, you know this guy loves it! Being the opposite of Piggy here, he could literally fall ill and say it's fine, just to keep the sleepover going. Unfortunately, he is also the kind of person to easily get bored with various activities. He's not going to whine, but you can see his heart isn't in it (whatever 'it' is at the time). Some of the go-to activities he frequently proposes are horror movies and night exploring. If you're up for it he can break into his dad's cabinet and steal some alcohol. Not too much though, but just enough to make you sort of dizzy. Sometimes you will also end up playing some games, though it's hard to really finish one thing when you want to have so many activities awaiting. It's safe to say you two stay up all night more often than not, fooling around. Just when that right state of tiredness kicks in, your conversations get more interesting. Do you know that type of sleep-drunk talk? That's what I'm talking about. When you greet his parents in the morning they both know that you stayed up, but they don't comment on it, letting you babble on about how you went to bed early. If you weren't sneaking out or drinking it's all good. But if one or both were involved Ralph gets an earful once you leave. After your breakfast, you let him drag you outside spending the remaining time in the great outdoors

His parents would probably be hesitant to let him stay over at your place because he didn't seem to be doing too great health-wise and they'd be worried. But you could always stay at their place. Since lotf is a commentary on how kids are not properly treated and they become little jerks, his parents are probably really sweet. You two are allowed to do whatever you want, within reason. Simon likes drawing and chatting, he also enjoys listening to music together. You can propose your ideas too, of course. When you get hungry, you two order takeout. You play rock paper scissors and the loser has to call to place your order. With food already eaten you simply hang out in your pyjamas, gossiping and watching tv. He might suggest cooking or baking something too. It's always very fun and his parents trust you and are fine with everything as long as you don't make too much noise/arent in danger. As midnight approaches, you go to Simon's room and play games, chilling with some music in the background. It's no uncommon occurrence that he falls asleep at dawn and it's up to you if you wish to follow suit. The next day you two are most likely more than a little tired so Simon usually offers to stay. If you want to, he's totally up for doing dress up and things like that. Either way, the two of you will have fun

It's not a matter of "where" with his parents, but "why". His unhealthy ambitions didn't come from nowhere, his parents are like that too. So it's not common for him to have sleepovers, because why would he "waste time" when he could be going something productive? However, if you two push for it hard enough it's still a request within reach so he would occasionally invite you or go to your place to stay the night. When you are at his place he's very "it's my sleepover and I get to choose x". It doesn't really go both ways, if he gets to stay at yours he'll still try to push for his ideas too. But it's just how he is as a person, he genuinely wants to have fun with you. He enjoys going out in the evening to shop for snacks, go to movies or just because. Even if you aren't together at the time, everyone who'd meet you then wouldn't think twice about calling you a couple. After you come back he asks you to pick what to do next. Good luck with having him watch a movie though, he's very opinionated and will make fun of your choice (not maliciously, of course). Let me prefix this by saying that you would have to be the one to get this idea, but if you brought face masks or other self-care things he wouldn't complain. Let's be honest, unlike Ralph, he's not the type to go "eww girly things!" so it's chill. Plus he trusts you, so he's a bit different with someone who he knows won't judge him. You might have guessed that he's the one to either stay up all night or fall asleep at 8 pm, there's no in-between. Lowkey is a sucker for sharing beds, if you forget your sleeping bag he will (secretly) be grateful for that. During sleep, he wraps his arms around you instinctively and it's the sweetest thing. The next morning, his parents would leave out breakfast for both of you. Later, the fun would continue. Just maybe... Don't ask him to do karaoke. At least if you don't want it to turn to "Jack bragging about his singing voice for 1h straight"

The way to know if the two of you are really close is to be invited to sleep at his place. Even the guys from the choir don't go there, Roger never invited them. So, when you stay there it's clear he doesn't really know what you two could do, you get to decide all that. To him, the fun of it is in staying up all night and talking, but the rest of the time is for you to fill. Mostly you are left to your own devices, his parents may not even be home so you have all of it to yourself. As long as you don't drag him out of the house to hang out in a public place he'll be alright. As the night comes it's time to order takeout. Well, most of the time it's just the two of you waiting for the other one to finally break and call, no one likes calling strangers after all. After food, you get ready for bed. Laying in a fort you turn on fairy lights and just talk, nibbling on snacks littering the floor. Sometime around three in the morning the conversation turns more deep end serious. However, if you haven't fallen asleep before, after thirty minutes or so you two are giggling again, too tired to think about serious things. In the morning Roger greets you with coffee and you two just hang out, cuddling on the couch and watching Sunday morning television. Neither of you has the energy to do much so the time passes like that

Though self-proclaimed, this guy is the King of Sleepovers. His place is filled with snacks and games just like his head is filled with activities and ideas. As soon as you walk into his place it just feels slightly more celebratory, everything seems more fun. With music quietly humming in the background and snacks put out on the coffee table, he pulls you in. Whatever you guys decide on doing that day, you end up with a myriad of silly and cute photos. His parents don't really mind you two having fun (no matter how wild it gets) so they let you do whatever. You might be so caught up in games and jokes that you don't even notice it's 3 am already. That's when he invites you to watch horror movies together. After that, he makes you hot chocolate and you fall asleep sitting together on his couch because neither of you wants to move and risk a monster attack. In the morning his parents leave food for you and you two clean up, listening to music and continuing your banter

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