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Wensday came around; and von was no where to be seen

As the days passed by, vons absence was starting to worry just about everyone. Teachers. Students. Durk.

Any idea durk had of where he could have went was imeadly pushed to the side mostly by the fact that none of them made any sense. Just convincing himself that von had never actually existed was more rational then any of the rumors that were spread through the hallways of the school.

Keith had even tried to convince Taurus and tione that mabye von had went to check out one of the colleges that the teachers had been trying to convince him to go to. They knew that wasn't why von was missing and lying to themselves wasn't providing any longterm ease.

They knew something had happened to von and it was probably worse then any of the things they came up with. But no one would dare admit it with the fear that it might actually be true.


Thursday seemed to drag on and it wasn't because of there teacher who seemed to talk in the slowest and most boring voice he could. It wasnt the abnormally warm early October air. Something was wrong and durk couldn't shake the feeling.

Von didnt show up to school on thursday.

The day had went by normally for the most part untill after 6th period. he and herb were standing at his locker trying to ignore the obvious whispering coming from Vons friends just a few lockers down.

"I think he knows something"

"i don't think so"

"well im gonna find out".

Durk rolled his eyes shutting his locker, he didnt exactly care much for the new von but it was still von. Someone he couldn't hurt even if he wanted to. " i don't know where he is alright! If i did don't you think I would say something" he yelled

"Bullshit, You two hate eachother and now hes suddenly missing. Tell me where he is and ill spare you from killing you.. For now" Keith said

Everything was wrong in life now. Keith was going to kill him. In the hallway. For something Keith wasn't even sure he did.

But before anything happened, the teacher stepped in, they were both dragged off to the office and put into seperate rooms. The principal had apparently felt like going easy on him and give him a talk about how there were more important things to worry about then fighting right now. Funny isint it. Someone you used to know goes missing and you get pitty.


After his talk with the principal the last bell rung and he grabbed his stuff. He debated with himself on wether or not he should go find herb for a ride. He decided against it and walked right out of the school not even stopping to look around. Durk walked down 64th street passing the corner store before cutting into the park like he had been doing for most of the week.

He walked for a few minutes before stopping once again in front of the twisted trees. The park was still empty but durk could have swarn up and down that someone else was there somewhere. The trees were thin so durk figured why not check it out for himself. He took a step passed the first few trees and started to walk as he walked farther in it seemed like the trees were getting thicker. He looked back and couldn't even see the park anymore so he just kept going.

The trees looked ancient. Timeless, like they disappeared into the sky. The place looked like it hadnt been walked through for years but still like someone had been here recently. Durk kept telling himself that these trees should end on the other side of the park but they didn't. They just kept going. He started to think he was lost but that didnt make any sense, there was no way he could be lost in these trees. At the most they were twenty feet wide.

His nerves started to disappear when he realised an exit out of the woods was not that far in front of him. But he didnt know at the time this was nothing to be happy about.

At the mercy of the forest, durk is a victim to the fate it will grant him.


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