Lets help eachother

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"I need to talk to you"

"About?" Durk asked looking up at him

Something in vons demeanor switched for a second before it seemed he went back to reality " i was thinking earlier and i realised If we want to get out of here why don't we just.." He paused

An unconscious smirk started to appear on durks lips "we just what von?"

Von glared at him already regreting what he had said "mane you can't take shit serious im-" he tired to say

Durk sighed " ight my bad continue" he said

Von leaned farther into the door frame hoping secretly that something would happen to stop the conversation " look were still not cool okay... But if we're gonna get out we can't just ignore eachother" he said

"Is that it or did you just not want to be alone in the dark anymore"

"Shut up."

Something in durk didn't want to say yes for a reason that was he could recognise that von was still not telling him stuff. But underlying the situation would lead to him lying alone in the dark for the rest of the night and not having anyone around when the breathing came again.


The decision wasnt a hard one and not long after durk and von were walking down the street towards Vons house, it was quiet and dark but durk was greatful for the small amount of life that was here with him. Even if he couldn't stand him.

He knew that It would only be temporary but it stopped him from missing his friends and life, By this time he was so use to the silence he jumped when von broke it "try not to think of what your missing, and focus on how free of everyone else we are" von said calmly

That made durk feel better. " is that what you've been telling yourself to calm down" he asked

Von laughed " no, thats what im telling you to calm down so you don't freak out" he said

"don't i have a right to freak out? I mean honestly man its weird that you arent freaking out" durk said feeling more alone in the situation

" i did freak out, but after a while without seeing anyone and after you walk down every road and go to every place and there's nothing... You come to terms with it." Von said

That didn't make durk feel better.

He didnt understand how von could be so okay with this, if von actually did take every way out and it didn't work he should be more upset then him.

"Your friends are really worried, especially taurus" durk said trying to earn a reaction but there was nothing

"Yeah right." Von mumbled

"I'm serious..Do you think they'll find us?" durk asked

Von shrugged "mabye, but then that's just one more person who doesn't know how to get out." He said

He was right.

Just another person who doesn't know how to get out.

"Were so screwed"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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