The Disappearance of Dayvon Bennett

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Nothing felt right with anyone after the falling out of him and dayvon, The two had been friends for years and now they could barely stand being in the room with each other. Or at least von couldn't. Durk had tried to leave it alone, but apparently since they weren't friends von felt the need to treat durk like they had been treating people they didn't like just a few years ago.

Durk was late to class that monday because he slept in, he hated school and didn't feel the need to go since the plans he had for life didn't require it. but his mom said he should go for now until something becomes conreate in his music career. When he did finally get there though he couldn't help but smile when he realised von wasn't there. that didnt last though.

Von didnt show up on Tuesday either.


Durk was at his locker trying to find one of his books in the mountain of stuff that had been there since the beginning of the year. Most of the stuff belonged to his annoying friend standing next to him that wouldnt shut up

"And then the asshole decides to throw the basketball at me. Like i won't beat his fucking face in" herb said

Durk laughed " And then what would you stare at all day?" He joked

Herb smiled " your right, wouldn't hurt to give a temporary black eye though" he said

Durk pulled his book out from the very bottom of the stack and shut his locker "Why don't you talk to him?" He asked

Herbs expression softened and durk already knew what he was trying to avoid saying "he's not my friend. But that doesn't mean you have to hate him" durk said

Herb shrugged " Untill he learns to stop being a jerk, theres plenty of dread heads around besides Keith." He said

Durk smiled for a second but it disappeared when he heard a group of people he imeadly recognized talking behind him.

"Any of you guys seen v.roy lately? I tried calling but he ain't answer" Taurus asked

"hes probaly ditching, like almost everyone we know." Keith said

Taurus shook his head " he hasn't ditched since junior year, everytime he does they report it" he said with worry clear of his face

Tione gave him a sympothetic smile " i gotta go to class, hes probably sleeping off a hangover or with a girl or sum" he said before walking off

They went on trying to rationize Vons sudden absence to Taurus but every thing they said seemed to get more and more unbelivable for him. The bell rung and they went there seperate ways.

Durk and herb were starting to walk to there next class but there was still some time before the warning bell so they werent in a hurry. Maybe that was a bad thing cause before they could realise Taurus was walking in the opposite direction of his class and towards him.

"Aye durk!" Taurus called out starting to catch up, durk not in the mood for a reintroduction with a old friend started to walk faster.

"Durk, hey. Damn you walk fast" Taurus said who was now standing just a few feet behind them

Durk and herb both turned around and before he could say anything herb interrupted " could you not start shit today polo." He said

Taurus shook his head " it's not like that. This is probably weird. Do you by any chance know where v.roy is?" He asked

A concerned feeling started to grow in durks chest but he pushed it back down as best as he could.

" no. Attention seeking again i bet" Herb said with a bitter tone in his voice.

Durk sighed looking back at Taurus "Nah, but you know how he is. Probably laying low or whatever" he said

Taurus let out a hesitating breath and nodded " yeah. Yeah Probably. thanks durk" he said before walking off. Maybe Taurus was at ease for now but durk wouldn't be for a while.


After school herb said out of no where that he had some where he needed to be and he couldnt talk about it. Even though durk didn't feel like walking home he decided not to say anything and just take the short cut through the park.

He opened the gate closing it behind him as he started his walk down the sidewalk of the empty park. after a few minutes of walking durk stopped and stared at the trees in front of him. the branches were twisted and leaned over other trees. It gave him a weird feeling especially since he had taken this path for most of his life and had never noticed it.

Durk started walking near them for a closer look and as he did the feeling grew stronger. He reached his hand out to touch one of the trees and almost imeadly pulled back. He shook his head slightly and walked back to the sidewalk starting his walk home again.

Only this time walking faster and looking back every so often when he would get the feeling someone was watching him.


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