The emptiness that comes at night

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When durk had walked into his 'house'  he began examining every single room inside, not sure what he was looking for or why the place had been a disgustingly accurate copy of where he lived. But he knew that this was not his home and it never would be.

This whole situation was awakening dark thoughts, some where deep in his tired mind they were beginning to surface; No one is here. No one is coming to save him

He hasn't even been here for half as long as von had and his hope and desire was already disappearing. That scared him. Mabye his memories and life would be next.

The aura in the house was unsettling.

The rooms, the furniture, the stack of dishes he was planning on washing when he got home, His shoes lined against his wall, everything is exactly how he had left his house Thursday morning.

That made him think of his conversation with von, so he pushed that thought out of his head and walked to the bathroom turning the knob to the sink checking to see if water was still running. Luckily it was. He turned the water off and went to his room for some clothes, just a t shirt and some joggers before going back and getting in the shower.

He sat under the water for a while hoping that if he let it stay hot enough for a while it would wake him up. Eventually he gave up and washed his hair and the rest of his body before getting out and turning the water off. He wiped the steam away from his mirror and stared at himself for a second. He sighed before starting to get dressed, once he was done he walked out of the bathroom and started making his way to his room.

He passed his moms room on the way glancing in seeing it was empty just as he expected but it still made him feel bad. He continued walking down the hallway opening the door to his room, he let himself fall down onto the bed and for a second his life felt normal again.

He tried to fall asleep but scattered thoughts ran through his mind making him unable. He knew he wouldn't be getting sleep anytime soon unless he let himself think for a while so he gave in.

His whole life, the decisions he made led him to this but mabye that was the point. All the bad stuff he ever did put him in a empty dark chicago with infinate roads and woods that all just happened to lead him back to von.

And then another thought came to him

Was this purgatory? Did Keith actualy kill him at school and this was just... Hell? I mean it makes since that he was starting to forget. He doesn't remember being born but that doesn't mean it didnt happen. Because he's here obviously. Alive. Or mabye not.

Stirring thoughts begin to fade as he lets his eyes shut, he sits in the dark for awhile before he starts to fall asleep.

That is untill he hears the breathing.

Durks heart drops as he slowly began to open his eyes again he doesn't know how much time has passed since he came inside but it was dark so he had to let his eyes focus. He didnt move. Just searched for whatever the breathing was coming from.

It didn't sound like him. Or any human to he exact, and for that reason he finds himself not being able to look away from his slightly open room door he could have sworn he closed.

The breathing slowly got louder and louder before it stopped and someone knocked on the front door. Durks supprised but once he knocks himself back into reality he gets out of bed and pulls a shoebox out from under his bed. Under a bunch of stuff he had stuffed in there layed his gun.

He grabbed it and slowly started making his way down the stairs, he watched his surroundings as he eventually made it to the front door. Durk took a deep breath before glancing out the peephole.

Durk sighed being more relieved then he had ever been to see that stupid pattern of black and blonde dreads. He lowered the gun and opened the door.

Vons smile dropped as he looked down at the gun he was still holding " you ight?" He asked concerned

Durk let out another breath he didn't know he was holding " no, somethings wrong here." He said

"Yeah... I know" von nodded towards the gun " that for me?" He asked smugly

Durk shook his head " it's for what ever was just making that fucking breathing sound" he said

"Thats why i came over"

Durk couldn't name the expression on his face.

"you heard it?"

"Yeah. For a whole week... Or did you forget?" Von said

Durk rolled his eyes " Why didn't you tell me about it then dumbass" he said

Von laughed starting to lean against the door frame "calm down, i heard it when i was walking and im just fine" he said

Durk was starting to remember the hatred he had grown for von as well" you still could have told me about that weird fucking noise but no you wanted me to freak me out!" He said

"Trust me, i don't think about you that much. That noise is harmless i don't know why I happens but its just a sound! I havent seen anyone or anything else here besides you" von replied

"You've only been here a week and You sound like you just don't care anymore even though you 'know everything' your the one not telling me shit" durk snapped

Von looked like he wanted to say something but he decided not to and let his gaze fall passed durk into the dark house.

So durk just changed the topic " do you think someone's watching us?" He asked

Durk watched as vons blank expression twisted into the look he gave to people who asked him stupid questions " why would we be watched?" He asked annoyed

Durk rolled his eyes " im just trying to help rationize the situation since you aren't helping at all" he said only receiving silence. Durk set the gun down on the small table next to the front door where his mother would usually put her keys.

When he looked back up at von a feeling came over him, von being here all of a sudden didn't make sense to him.

"I told you why i went into the woods... Why did you?"

Von shifted his stance nervously keeping his gaze away from durks eyes.

"I need to talk to you."


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