The difference between reality and this.

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The exit to the trees was right in front of durk but the expanse of woods seemed never ending. To his relief he walked straight out into some grass next to a road. An irregular sound of wind coming and going as he looked around. Untill it felt like for a second that the wind and the rest of the world stoped. He could hear his self breath but other then that as night started to turn to day standing next to a road durk was alone.

He pushed his thoughts to the side and started to walk once again, not long after the sun still hadn't risen and durk was still walking passed houses and buildings that seemed so familiar but so bizarre at the same time. Durk was now beginning to think that he was dreaming but everything felt so real. Just being here felt unnatural.

Leaves smashed under his feet as he walked in a direction he could only hope led to his house or at least someone's house that he knew. A period of time in which durk had been walking had passed and he wasnt sure how long it had been but the sun was starting to rise and he was standing on the sidewalk right in front of his school. The same school he had left a day and a half ago and had been walking for hours since. He was so confused.

But the confusion left and he was instead greatful that he had finally found a place he recognised and that meant he wasn't far from home. He was tired, dehydrated and hungry so at this point he was dreaming of his mom's breakfast and a hot shower.

Durk started to walk faster and in less than twenty minutes he was standing in front of the sign that crossed between 64th, 65th, and 63rd street. He continued walking down 64th and as he passed the quiet houses that belonged to people he had grown up with gleaming from sunlight he realised that it was Friday. He hadn't come home Thursday night and he didnt go to school Friday morning.

"I'm never taking that fucking pathway again" durk mumbled

As durk made his way down to the street towards his house he stopped in his tracks at the sight of von. Just sitting on his porch.

Mabye it was the relief that von was alright or mabye it was the fact that durk hadn't seen anyone in a day and a half but he imeadly started walking towards von.

"Aye von! Where you been?" Durk yelled as he walked through the unevenly cut grass in front of vons house

Von imeadly looked up with a horrified look on his face. " im not tryna start sum but you been missing all week and alot of stuff just happened and i wanted to make sure i wasnt seeing things." Durk said forcing a fake laugh

Durk hadn't completely realised untill that moment but von seemed genuinely scared. "I left school on thursday and walked through the park and got lost in the woods and ended up in front of the school like two days lat- what you looking like that for?" He asked confused

"fuck you mean what am i looking like that for, how did you get here?" Von said taking a step back

"You take to many percs today man? I just told you five seconds ago" durk said

Von glared at me " quit playing banks in serious, what are you doing here" he said in a angry tone but he still looked worried more then anything

"me and keith was finna fight at school so when the day ended i decided to walk through the park towards 65th street so i didnt have to run into him but when i did finally get out of the woods two fucking days later; i was right back in the place i started so i just took 64th.. Why?" He asked

"Your not on 64th."


Von rolled his eyes " this isint 64th street" he repeated

Durk sat down on the porch and paused for a second starting to loose patience with the situation " your telling me, after i just walked passed the fucking sign that said 6th street, that were not on 64th..." He said scofting " You know your something else man i swear, you never make no sens-"

Von grabbed durks arm and pulled him up making durk shut up imeadly " look around durk! You say you've been walking around for hours so tell me, have you seen anyone here besides us? Ive been here for a whole week, no cars have passed by, no people in the houses. Fuck i even walked my stupid ass up and down 63rd and not a sound was made." He said

Realization began to set in as durk looked aeound, the silence he had felt times before was even louder now. Chicago deffentely wasn't the same everyday but there was always someone outside or driving on the road. Durks breath hitched as he stared at the beginning of the intersection counting seconds as he prayed someone would drive by so he could prove von wrong. No cars, no people, no animals, no sounds.

No one but von and durk.

He slowly pulled his arm away from von and sat back down on the porch not sure of what he was supposed to say, von sighed sitting on the other side of the porch.

It was silent for a second but any more of that they would both go insane so durk restarted the conversation "everyone thinks your just ditching" he said

Von laughed sarcastically " yeah, like i'd miss a moment of the 'begenning of the rest of our lives'" he mocked making durk half smile but that soon fell again

"how'd you get here?" Durk asked

"Same way you did, mabye I should have known to not go into woods that literally never existed before now"

"i knew there was something wrong with those woods but it was like-"

"like someone was watching you" von finished

"Yeah" durk mumbled " what have you been doing here all week" he asked

"Trying to find a way to get the hell out, theres no getting out by the way I tried everything" von said

"Everything? I mean-" durk tried to say

Von sighed " I walked for miles and every road that leads out of here is now completely replaced with trees, every road every trail every pathway is gone. Everything at a certain point is just a endless forest on all sides" he said

There had to be a way out somewhere, durk couldnt accept that there wasn't. " any good news since then?" He asked

"nah but now that your here things are a thousand times worse" von said

Durk stood up rolling his eyes " whats your problem man, i don't get what i did to you" he said

Von stood up next " my problem? My problem is every since freshman year you've been thinking your so much better then me" he said


Von stopped himself from saying anything else "nothing, never mind. Im going inside" he said walking up the steps and opening the door to his house. Inside it was dark besides the dim light leaking in through the windows and another light durk wasnt sure where it was coming from.


"What now?"

"Why does this place look so much like where we live?"

" i don't know. Go home banks"

And once again as the silence grew louder around him durk was alone.


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