💫 Chapter 6 💫

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Both of them were eating and talking to each other, laughing, teasing, and even blushing at certain times. It was one of their happiest moments because they felt something that they've always wanted. Someone to talk with, someone who understood them.

Ring, ring

The sound of the ring surprised them and it was Senku's phone ringing. Senku took out his phone from his pocket and answer it.

"Hello?" Senku said to the phone. "Ah hello! Is this Ishigami Senku?" The man asked on the phone.

"Yes, it's me Senku. May I ask who are you and what do you need?" Senku said looking at Gen who's almost done eating his noodles. "I'm Tamura, I'm your teacher for school yesterday. I was wondering why did you leave absent?" The man on the phone replied

"Oh, so you're the new teacher. I had some emergency yesterday as well as today, sir. I'll do the assignments for yesterday also for today. I hope you can let me off the hook sir"

After Senku finished that sentence, the man on the phone was heard laughing.

"HAHAHA You also thought I'm a man huh~" The man said laughing

Senku was confused and Gen looked up to him after he's done eating with a confused face.

"Wait so- you're a woman??" Senku said confused. "Yup~ but I do prefer being called a man though~" he said.

"Ohh okay then, uh sir." Senku said cautiously not wanting his teacher to get mad

"Mhm~ I'll let you off the hook this time but I won't if this happens again okay?" Mr. Tamura said

"Okay sir, thank you"

"No problem. I gotta go now, bye~" the teacher said slowly. "Okay sir, goodnight" he replied and hanged up.

"So, who's that?" Gen asked. Senku looked at him and said, "It was my teacher. He asked me why I was absent yesterday." Senku answered

"Oh ok. Senku-chan, I'm done where's the sink?" Gen said while standing up.

"It's in the kitchen. Just turn left and the sink is in the corner of the kitchen"

"Mhm~" Gen hummed while walking towards the kitchen. Senku finished eating and went to the kitchen to put his bowl in the sink.

"Gen?? Why are you drinking cola?! It's 11pm!" Senku ran towards Gen who's drinking cola near the fridge. "I found some and I've been wanting some.." Gen said quietly.

Senku took the cola from Gen's hand and place it in the fridge. Gen looked at him and he glared and pouted at him. "Hey! Why did you do that!" Gen said with an angry face.

Senku looked at him and sigh. He crossed his arms and said, "You won't be able to sleep if you keep drinking cola!"

Gen pouted and looked down. "Well yeah but.." He said whispering, almost quiet enough for Senku to not hear him, but he did. "Sigh. Cmon, let's just sleep. It's late and I have school tomorrow. I'll give you the cola back tomorrow." Senku said walking back to the living room.

"Fine!" Gen said frowning. He walked behind Senku, following him and he stopped. "Oh but... Where am I gonna sleep? Is there any guest room?" Gen asked Senku who was sitting on the couch.

Senku looked up at Gen. "Oh yeah.. All of the rooms are filled with stuff since I never had guests who stayed for the night.." Senku said while thinking. "I can sleep on the couch. You can take my bed." Senku continues

Gen was shocked "HEHH?? But it's cold here! And I can't possibly use your room..."

"I told you, it's fine. I can sleep here. I only need a blanket." Senku argues. "NO!" Gen argues back.

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