💫 chapter 7 💫

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Quick a/n: So I wrote this chapter with a different writing style- Cuz I was curious abt it lol- I hope it's not bad! It's in 3rd pov! (but you can like see their thoughts)

"Gen, wake up! It's 10 am!" Gen heard a voice and slowly opened his eyes. He noticed Senku ruffling his hair tenderly—hoping to wake the mentalist up. Senku found it adorable when Gen rubbed his eyes and let out a small yawn. 

"Genny, do you wanna go to the park today for some fresh air?" Asked Senku while gently drawing back his hand from Gen's hair. Gen's cheeks went soft pink upon hearing the nickname Senku gave him. He just noticed that Senku had used the nickname yesterday too.

Gen huffed and answered him. "What's with the nickname? That's quite new" He said with a grin.

"Well, you called me Senku-chan, so it's only fair I also get to give you a nickname too" Senku stated in a child-like tone.

Gen let out a bit of a chuckle. He couldn't imagine how someone smart like Einstein could be pretty childish. It's also something new to him, and he's amused that he could see it.

"That's pretty childish of you, Einstein, but sure," He said with a laugh. Senku frowned and raised both of his hands towards Gen's cheeks. He holds his cheeks with his hands— forming a cup shape.

"Everyone can be childish every once in a while, Genny."

Gen blushed because of Senku's sudden behavior and only nodded slowly. Senku was satisfied with Gen's response and stood up out of bed. "There's a bathroom over there, and you can use my clothes in that closet," Senku remarked, pointing at the bathroom and the closet.

Gen, who's still crimson red, just agrees and gets up from bed. He stretched a bit since he felt stiff. Senku said he was going to take a shower in the other bathroom and left.

Gen managed to open the closet, Senku stated, and took a look at what was within. He found a black sweatshirt with a formula symbol on the corner— and it's E = mc2. 'Of course, it's E = mc2– it's even on the shirt he was wearing today!' He said in his mind while chuckling. He also discovered a pair of black jeans and a white T-shirt in the closet. He's made up his mind, and he's going to wear them. He then went to the bathroom and took a shower.

'Finally, a nice and warm shower...'


After he was done showering, he took the clothes he had picked and put them on. The black hoodie was too oversized for him; the end of it almost reached his knees, and the sleeves covered his hands. 'Where did he get this? I'm pretty sure this is not his apparel size..?' He questioned in his head. He just shrugged and tugged the sleeves up a little. After he adjusted it, he took the jeans and put them on.

He brushed his hair and put on a pair of white socks that he found in one of the drawers. He looked at himself in the mirror—and felt somewhat satisfied that he didn't look like crap. (a/n: Gen, ur literally a lil bean. How do you not look cute?!
proofreader: I second that)

He opened the door and walked out. He looked around and saw two other rooms down the corridor. He spotted the staircase and walked down. Once he was downstairs, he found Senku using his phone while leaning on the couch. When Senku noticed Gen's presence, he shut off his phone and put it in his pocket. Then he moves closer to Gen and grins at him.

"You look really good in those clothes, Genny!" Senku said with a broad smile on his face and a slight shade of pink that's almost unnoticeable.

Gen reddened and hurriedly covered his crimson face with his hands. "T-thanks..." Gen said, stuttering. "You look g-good too" He continues looking elsewhere. He's not used to sweet talk or flattery. Ever since his mom turned into a psychopath, she didn't give a shit about him anymore.

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