Scary Broccoli

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It was on Tamaki's mind that Mikoto hadn't eaten anything since she was taken. Izuku seemed to want to make her suffer as much as possible, so he refused to give her anything.

Tamaki, behind Izuku's back, got some food and water to take to her. He made his way to the room that she was being kept in and walked in with a tray in hand.

He didn't know why he was bothered so much by her suffering. He was a villain. It was strange that someone who would likely be seen by the public as 'evil' would have his heart softened by a girl he hardly knew.

"I-I brought you some food." He stammered a bit as he offered what he had brought to her.

The food wasn't anything extravagant like a hot meal. There was some fruits, chips and a bowl of cereal. Regardless, Mikoto's stomach was killing her so she could eat anything.

"Thank you, Amajiki." She learned their names after being forced to stay. Immediately, she started eating, but she was chowing down too fast. She started to cough, but tried not too loudly. Her hands covered her mouth in a hushed voice. "S-sorry."

Tamaki smiled softly in order to reassure her. "I won't hurt you. It's fine."

He knew that she was probably terrified. He wanted to make sure she knew that he wasn't there to bring her any harm. Besides, he found her mannerisms strangely endearing.

Mikoto made herself slow down eating. It was making her stomach a little upset that she felt like throwing up a little. Instead of Tamaki sitting down, she watched him randomly go into the corner of the wall.

"Uh..." She tilted her head. "What are you doing?"

"I'm hiding." He mumbled as he put his head against the corner of the wall. "You're eating now, so I feel awkward. But I don't want to go to the other room because I think the others are still awake, including Midoriya."

He thought back to some of the methods he learned to help with anxiety. "It's difficult to imagine Midoriya as a vegetable. What kind of vegetable is that crazy?"

In this situation, it was weird to giggle softly. But she did. It made her feel safer around him that she could relax a little bit.

"I can make it not awkward then." She kept her voice low as she crept towards him. Her hand offered him a chip. "We can share and think of his hair looking like broccoli."

She stayed a little close to him so she didn't have to speak loudly, but she was a bit too close. It's not like it was intentional, but she didn't notice or think anything of it.

When Tamaki turned around, his face was inches away from hers. His face became dusted with pink as he awkwardly took the chip, taking special care to not touch her. He pressed his back against the wall as he spoke. "His hair does look like broccoli."

She rested her back against the wall right next to him. Her shoulder nearly brushed against his arm. In comparison to him, she was rather short.

After chewing for a bit, she started to talk again. She didn't know the League or anything about it. Usually, she'd feel nervous asking questions like this. Tamaki made her feel open to be able to do so.

"How are you feeling? I mean... Is this the first time Midoriya acted like this?" She felt a bit concerned. If they were a team, would he threaten the others like this?

She only gathered a little bit of information from hearing their chattering from that day. That Satoko woman seemed a bit surprised to his behavior.

Tamaki looked down sadly. "Midoriya was always putting on this act. He pretended to care about us. Before this happened, he was almost like a little brother to me."

RoleSwap (Villain Shoto/Villain Tamaki x OC + Katsuki/Villain Izuku x OC)Where stories live. Discover now