Happy Together

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It was Kazuno's turn to go to school again. As she walked in the hallway, something didn't feel right. She couldn't quite place it. That is, until she listened to what the people were saying.

"I heard that another student went missing."

Kazuno froze. Her eyes widened. (What?)

"Are we sure that he isn't just skipping school?"

"That isn't something he would do. Besides, multiple students going missing over the course of a few weeks? I think something is wrong."

"It could just be a coincidence."


Multiple students had gone missing over the course of around a month's time.


Izuku sat down next to Kazuno. His smile looked a bit different than usual. His eyes were half lidded as he looked at her.

"Kazuno," Izuku said her name for the first time. The flustered boy that seemed rather innocent was a little bolder now. "What are you spacing out for? Are you ok?"

His fingers delicately went through some of her hair.


After Mikoto went missing, Izuku's attitude towards her suddenly changed. He was touchier. More bold. It was like he was a different person.


"Mad....?" Izuku's face looked distraught. His eyes became glossed over. He didn't expect her to do that. "Did I do something wrong, princess?"

He desperately grabbed her hand with a defeated smile. "If I did, you may slap my other cheek if it makes you feel better. I would never be mad at you."


He was so different. She should have noticed before. But the fact that he changed after Mikoto's disappearance made it seem like he knew something.

The way that he encountered her there was strange too. She was sure that she saw him walk away. Was he listening to the entire conversation?

'I have someone for you to see.'

(Is he...?) Kazuno stared at his hand. She was unsure. Maybe she shouldn't go with him. Maybe she should get away and call Katsuki first to let him know that something wasn't right. They could go together to figure out where Mikoto was. That seemed like a good idea.

She didn't reach out to take his hand. Instead, she turned and started running in the direction Katsuki was in.

She was surprisingly fast. She was actually able to make it a little ways away before she was caught.

"Wait!" Izuku cried out. He let out a sad sigh. (I don't want to do this. Not with her.)

Suddenly, he got one of his quirks activated to make him move through things. He rushed to one of the corner buildings and looked like he ran in that direction to show up in front of her. She nearly ran into him.

"Kazuno! What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you? I'm sorry!" His expression looked genuinely sad enough to look like he was about to cry. It was a no brainer he looked like he too cared a lot for her. Well, in his own twisted way.

Kazuno felt a strong feeling of guilt when she saw his glossy eyes. Even thinking that he was the kidnapper, she felt bad to see him like that. She had a subconscious connection to him. She couldn't stop feeling for him at that point even if she was scared of him.

RoleSwap (Villain Shoto/Villain Tamaki x OC + Katsuki/Villain Izuku x OC)Where stories live. Discover now