Chapter 3-

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The plane ride was long and tiring I mean it was New York to Seattle! Gosh then I would have to rent a car to drive home to federal way... Wow I was actually going home. I can't believe it's been three years. Once I rented my car and was close to home i called to called Mitch on serenity's phone.

"Hey sis" he said glumly "what's up? Are you home?"

"Yeah bubba I'm home I'm driving to our house now then I'm coming to the hospital. How is everyone." He knew when I meant everyone I was really concerned about serenity an Malik.

"Malik is in a coma still but things are getting better. Seren got out of surgery a couple hours ago an is fine. But you know her she's pissed as hell." I laughed my girl... "I'm glad your coming home Sis. We need you. Mom needs you, she's a mess. She won't leave Malik's side and has the hospital going bananas. When I asked her why she was all the sudden caring about Malik... She said its what you would have wanted her to do." I felt hot tears go down my cheeks "this is a mess Mi..." I nodded wiping my tears.

"This does suck bubba... I'm home now. I see you soon make sure no ones in Malik's room in a like 30 mins okay? I wanna see him alone at first..." I told him honestly getting out of the car an grabbing my stuff.

"Gotcha Mi" and with that he ended the call. I was walking to the front door when I saw the window with blood on it and started to cry.

I walked into the house and up to my room sobbing. I walked in to see nothin much had changed I could tell that my brothers had spent a lot of time in my bed probably missing me and I could see Malik's junk in a duffle on the floor. My boy making him self comfortable!

I through my suit case on the floor and let Zeus off his chain to explore my room. He just sniffed a little and hopped on my bed falling asleep.

I walked to Malik's bad and found his iPhone resting on top. I grabbed it and one of his T-shirts. I unlocked his phone with ease the code was the day I left.. And the screen saver and wallpaper was a picture of us on that very day. I was kissing his cheek and he was grinning like a fool. I smiled through my tears. "My boy..."

I put his phone down and got some cloths from my suitcase and went and took a shower before changing Into his T and my pants and boots. Brushing my hair and braiding it back. I kissed Zeus telling him to be good and drove to the hospital.

When I got there it was hard not to cry. I had a flash back of when my father had beat my mom so bad she was in the hospital for a week... She wrote her will in front of me, it changed my world.

I whipped a loose tear and walked in to the hospital up the desk. "Which room are Malik James in and Serenity Colton?" I asked trying to keep calm.

"Um 613 and 609." She said smiling sadly at me.

"Okay thanks..." I trailed off making it to the level they were on and went to Malik's room happy to see it empty.

I looked at his relaxed face with bruises covering it. Walking to his bed side I took his hand and sat staring at him. His hair was a mess I was happy to see the doctors hadn't cut it all off. It was thick and rough, just the way I like it. His freckles were still dominating his tan cheeks. His lips were set in a pout. I giggled he could be a pouter. I looked at what I could see of his body, he had bulked up since I left. His arm was in a sling with no cast but thick with bandages. His whole body was covered in bandages...

"Dammit..." I whispered... "How could this happen Malik, my dad shouldn't have been able to touch you!" I almost yelled before realizing he was like this because he protected my mom. I burst into tears "Malik you protected her... What made me so lucky to have you! Why do you have to be in a coma. I just want you to hold me and me to hold you! I need you Malik!" I sobbed into his arm I cried like that for a minute before feeling a hand on my hair. I jerked up and saw it was Malik... He reached his good hand to my eyes and whipped my tears resting his hand on my cheek.

"Miles, I always told you, you were so loud you could wake the dead..." He chuckled, before wincing and grabbing his chest. I jumped to my feet examining his chest.

"Miles baby calm down sit, it's just some stitches... Nothing I can't handle." He told me pulling my arm and making me sit. "Let me just look at you, I see you finally listened and stopped with makeup? And died your hair..." He trailed off grabbing the tail of my braid examining it. "Not sure how I like it tell its out of the braid." He said seriously then looked at my face to see I was crying again... "Miles what's wrong?"

"How can you just accept me after what I did!? I left you Malik I left everyone and now your in a hospital bed because of it! If I would have been there-"

"I still would have got in a fight with your dad if he tried to mess with anyone of your family." He told me cutting off my words.

"That doesn't change the fact that I left Malik. At the time it seemed like a logical thing to do, and believe me it was great to be me for a while. But I never expected or even hoped you would still be around when I came back... I thought you would hate me... How can you be so good to me after what I did!?" I practically yelled.

"Miles you did what you had to. That doesn't change the fact I love you. At first I was so mad but as time passed I accepted it and stood by your brothers just like you wanted. I could never hate you Miles your my world! For godsakes I came out of a coma because you were crying! Miles we are meant for each other accept it." He whispered the last part intertwining my fingers in his. I sat up a little and kissed his bruised knuckles.

"As to how you got so lucky? Well we will never know I'm just that awesome!" He told me bringing out his cocky smile It made me laugh, I heard the door open an stormed to see my youngest brother Drew walk in not noticing me at first

"Malik your awake!... Miley!!" He dropped his chips running into my open arms crying. "Your back! Did you wake up Malik I knew he just needed you!" I smiled nodding still holding him in my arms.

I whispered I his ear "how is my favorite boy?" He laughed "I missed you sissa"

"I missed you too baby!" I said kissing him.

I heard someone gasp and looked up to see my mom staring at me in shock "Miley is that you?" I nodded running into her arms

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