Chapter 5-

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After talking with serenity for awhile I left her in my moms care to go check on Malik.

"Hey babe" he said as I walked in his room. Where did that come from!?

"Since when am I 'babe'? I asked quoting babe with my fingers and smirking.

"Since I don't want you to leave me again." He almost whispered looking at his fingers. My smirk dropped in a frown.

"What happened to you Malik...?" I asked from the spot by the door not wanting to get close.

"You. You happened Miles." He looked at me and patted the empty spot by him "come here." I walked over and sat down "when you left, I'm not going to lie it broke my whole being. I never thought someone's love could do that. I never expected you to be so firmly rooted in my heart like you are. When you left it changed eveything! But it never changed how I feel about you. Miles you are the only girl for me. Your stubborn ass tames my cocky one. We fit together perfectly can't you tell?" Malik looked me in the eyes and intertwined our fingers holding them up for me to look at out perfectly conjoined hands. "You make me feel emotions I can't explain. I can't even begin to explain how you changed me. Believe me when you left I was more than mad, I was furious. You were right I did punch Some stuff, a lot of stuff. I was so mad after I thought wow she probably doesn't even love me! And I was set in the thought to hate you but I couldn't. Hating you for being happy was like hating myself. Before you left I was a douche I never thought what we had was meant to last, I was a asshole and a playboy. I didn't know until you left what I had. So now I know your my one and only my personal forever"at the end of his rant a tear ran from the corner of his eye and I reached up and wiped it away

Leaning forwarding i whispered "I love you more than life, I'm high of your smile and drunk off your touch I can't imagine being gone, ever again." Then I kissed him, with as much passion as I could muster in my state of mind. I grabbed both sides if his face like I would never let go, and I hoped I wouldn't have too ever.

He pulled away, and searched my eyes as if looking for answers, answers to questions I don't know.

"What happened to you?" He whispered

"What do mean?" I asked sitting back again playing dumb, I didn't really wanna address this...

"Don't play dumb, your not the shy girl that sat in the front of class and listened to boring teachers... Your darker like you've had that part ripped out. I don't know what to think of it."

"Ha I wasn't shy Malik I am the same girl I was then, I just got tired of being pushed around and coming second to everyone. I only listened to the boring teachers so I wouldn't end up like my mom. You don't know this but I resent the choices she made,makes. I feel like the adult when I'm around her. When you weren't around I used to get bitched at for everything... Once I had 5 a's and 1 c and it wasn't good enough. The one time I stuck up for myself she struck me down. The thing is I know she blames me for our life, it's my fault she got pregnant at 15. So yeah I've changed I have been freed."

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