Chapter 7-

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I need to give you guys a kind of taste of the connections that Miley and Malik have so, here it is a flashback moment for them.

Chapter 7-

*FLASHBACK* (Miley at 16)


I shoot up in bed and see that it's time to get ready for my job interview, at wild waves. "I hate mornings," I grown grabbing a towel and getting in the shower. I turn the water on cold at first so it'll refresh me. I get out of the shower to see I have a text

Malik--- 'Boo you gonna be at home later?'

My heart hits the bottom of my stomach. Why does he do this to me, don't see him for months and he just likes to pop up on me. God but I can't complain I miss him so much, if only he knew...

Me--- 'Yeah, just getting ready for an interview, why? You stopping by?'

I smile and press send. I put on some yogas and a t-shirt. Applying a layer of liquid foundation, grabbing my powder and brush I hear my phone start blaring The Wobble I check and see its my best friend Serenity

"Hey!" I answer excitedly

"Hey! So me and Tiff are gonna run a little late, I may or may not have just woke up...." I laugh and press my phone to my shoulder

"Wow Serenity!"

"Yeah I know, and I still have to iron my shirt and do my hair." Rolling my eyes I apply my powder

"Girly I have an iron and you love my strightener! Just get here I have to do Tiffs hair!"

"Yes! Okay be there in like 30!"

"Kay Bye!"

Finishing my powder I apply a thin layer of eyeliner on my top lash line and on my waterline. I wink at myself "looking good girl!" Grabbing my mascara's I apply both thick, curl my lashes and apply again. I see the notification on my phone flash and open the text.

Malik- Im on the bus now.

My eyebrows mesh together "what now..."

Me- okay, what's going on?

Malik- ill tell you later

*20 minutes later

Finishing the last curl on my hair I see Serenity's mom pull up and Serenity and Tiff get out of the car. I open my window and lean out.

"If I could whistle at you hot thangs I would!" I yell waving to serenity's mom. They laugh and walk up to my room.

I close my window again and open my door. "Hey!" I throw my arms around them both.

I pull back and put my phone of the dock to blast some music, so we can get hyped up about our interviews. We all are getting excited and are having a good time, me curling tiffs hair and Serenity doing hers, when my phone goes of and tiff grabs it.

"Who's Malik an why does he have a heart next to his name?" I stop mid grab for a piece of her hair.

"Umm..." I blank out yeah I've told serenity about him so she doesn't question but grabs my phone from tiff and reads our short convo.

"Malik happens to be Miley's first and only love." Serenity answers for me passing my phone to tiff with his picture up.

"Oh SWEEET BABY Jesus!" Tiff yelled fanning her face.

"Stop It tiff!" I laugh! Malik was definitely a looker. My heart beat picked up thinking about it.

"So he's coming over?" Serenity asks wiggling her eyebrows.

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