Chapter 4-

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My mom and I may have our fights. I may not respect her whole lot but she was my mom. That would never change in her arms it felt right. I breathed in her scent and loved it, Home. She wasn't perfect but it was okay I didn't mind, I would always help her be as perfect as she could be.

When I stretched my arms to examine her face I saw she had been in crying, and was really tired. "Miley baby you came back." I nodded

"I said I would come back if the boys needed me. They needed me." It was the truth if they hadn't said they needed me I wouldn't be back. She nodded understanding. And let me go to look at Malik

"Your awake! I there anything you want?"

He shook his head "I'm good Mi"

Then the nurse walked in and jumped seeing Malik awake. "Your awake! How do you feel?"

"Im good ma'am" he answered trying to sit up. Making him self wince. I ran to his side pushing him to lay back down. "Lay down you fool your stitches are tender." The nurse looked at me funny

"Who are you?" She asked curiously

"Oh where are my manors! Hi I'm Miley I'm Malik's fri-"

"Girlfriend, Miley is my girl." Malik interjected stopping me from saying friend, we never had titles ever and now he was claiming me... The nurse nodded

"Okay well I need you all too get out please so I can check up on him." We nodded ad I leaned down kissing his forehead whispering "be good" as I was walking away he grabbed my hand pulling me to him and giving me a kiss.

"Much better" he whispered in my ear making me blush

"I said be good!" I whisper yelled back and got up running from the room. Seeing all my brothers in the hall waiting for me.

Mitch spoke first "Mi! Your back!" He ran and hugged me hard he was gettin so big I'm older than him by 6 years and he's the same height as me!

"Bubba when did you have a growth spurt you were a short 6 grader when I left!" He pulled away but still had his arms around me

"That was three years ago sis. What did you expect me to do shrink?!" He laughed

"No I guess not but I hopped you wouldn't change..." I trailed off giving his cheek a wet kiss which he whipped off. I ruffled his hair which he grew into a skater cut. He let me go and I watched him walk to what I assume is serenity's room I looked over to see Levit at standing waiting for my attention.

"Come her Levi" I said holding my arms open he crossed his arms shaking his head. I understood he was mad at me. "Levi I had to go, but I'm back now, I promised I would come home right! And now I'm home." He looked away, I smirked now was my chance I quickly leaned down kissing his cheek with a raspberry knowing he hated it. "Levi Come on i missed you..." I whispered kissin his now wet cheek. He caught me by surprise by jumping me and making me fall to the floor.

"Mi I missed you so much! I did what you said I spied I took pictures of everyone and I wrote down in a book when important stuff happened!" I smiled

"I knew i could count on you!" He gave me a kiss and helped me up hugging me again.

"Where's my trouble maker?" I questioned Levi, he pointed to a chair to my side where I saw Andrew curled in a ball sleeping. I nodded pushing him towards serenity's room.

I went down on my haunches and started to wake Andrew up. "Bear you gotta wake up." I said in his ear kissing his face. He stirred and opened his eyes blinking away sleep. "Miley??...." I nodded biting my lip not knowing what to expect. "Mi mi!" He yelled jumping in my arms crying. I held him until he calmed.

"Bear we need to talk baby." I said seriously he pulled back whipping his face "I heard a certain someone has been bad while I was away?" I questioned "and I would like to know why?"

"I thought if I was bad you would come home..." He said looking at his hands. I shook my head

"Baby bear nothing coulda brought me home I needed to leave. I told you I would come back when you needed me . So I'm back. You promise to be good now?" He nodded his head vigorously. I chuckled. "Okay let's go to see serenity" I got up and held my hand to him, "is serenity awake?" I asked him he nodded his head

"I think she knew you were coming she hasn't slept much..." I was ready to finally have my best friend and confident.

I know I hadn't let her in hole I was gone but I missed her a lot. I walked into her room with Andrew leading the way and peeked around the corner. And saw her leaning on the pillows reading a book. Go figure she's I the hospital reading... Wait that's fifty shades of grey!

"Miley stop judging I know you read this too!" Serenity smirked placing the book down in her lap. "Now walk your scrawny ass over here and give me a hug!" Of course she hadn't changed. Except for a couple of nasty bruises on her body. She was still my girl!

I practically ran to her but paused before hugging her

"I don't want to hurt you.." I told her

"Miles I had surgery, I'm fine just soar. I won't break." I nodded bending over to her outstretched arms. And I didn't let go. Neither did she "guys can you give us a couple minutes?" She asked over my shoulder and I heard my family shuffle out, then I felt moisture o my shoulder and knew she ha started to cry. "Miley I missed you so much" she whispered and chocked out a sob. I nodded rubbing her back and running my fingers through her hair. I pulled away and sat in a chair at the edge of the bed. And grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry serenity I wish I could have been there to protect you all." I trailed off inspecting my shoes. "If I was home you wouldn't be in the hospital recovering from surgery my dad caused." She smacked my head

"Miley Ann cut it out! We both know I had the opportunity to stop you i choose to let you leave everything begin knowing, damn well that it was a risk. But for you it needed to be done. You needed time to be Miley not Miley and the boys not Miley and Malik, not Miley momma. No! just Miley being who you wanted before you had to come home and be all those things again, you needed time to be a teenager because you grew up to fast. I just hope you have it out of your system cause you never allowed to leave me again, or your boys and I don't just mean you brothers." She finished with a serious voice and a stern nod and I knew she was right I wouldn't go back. I couldn't.

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