My lost 'home' (Sohinigoswami) (1)

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My lost 'home'

This 'haunted mansion' you see, used to be my 'home'.

It was once filled with joy and glee.

Now it's known to have a killing syndrome.

Broken doors and windows.

Broken relations.

Deserted Meadows.

Deserted innovations.

Dark and dirty rooms.

Dark and dirty unknown thoughts.

Bewitched brooms.

Bewitched mind distraught.

Crooked shadows lurking around.

Crooked feelings.

Dead bodies moving on the ground.

Dead souls dancing.

Blood splotches on the walls.

Blood-red roses sprawled all around.

Scary portraits hanging on the walls.

Scary-looking little toys on the ground.

And the witch they fear is me.

The witch is me.

The killer they hate is me.

The killer is me.

[CLOSED] - The Haunted Mansion - Poets Pub October 2021 ContestWhere stories live. Discover now