Goosebumps - The Haunted Mansion Part Two (NehpetsEnal) (2)

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Goosebumps - The Haunted Mansion Part Two

Gashed my head really badly, finally they stretched me into an ambulance

Only one problem, it was too small, there was no room for my husband

Outwardly I did not show my joy, but my insides were all fuzzy and warm

So, reluctantly he stood back, as the paramedic closed the door, whilst hiding a tiny grin

Even he could sense that this was giving me untold pleasure

But little was I to know, that once it had shut, there was nowhere to go

Until he turned to face me all was well, how was I to know we'd soon be on our way to hell

My thoughts returned to the haunted mansion, a night in a warm hospital bed was much preferred

Placing his hand on mine, for the first time I felt that icy chill

Soon enough he showed his bony face, and the goosebumps chased each other up my arm

Foot Note:

This is where the story moves from the graveyard to the ambulance and what was a warm fuzzy feeling becomes a chill.

But, to my delight, the second poem of the tetralogy gave me a warm fuzzy feeling as I had the opportunity to author an acrostic poem, subtitled Goose Bumps, in my favored form.

The next one is prepared and read, it is a Limerick, any suggestions for the final stanza's form?

[CLOSED] - The Haunted Mansion - Poets Pub October 2021 ContestWhere stories live. Discover now