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Max invites everyone over to his trailer to watch a movie after dinner, some of the younger kids said no because it was getting late. We walked to his trailer, Dominic on my right and Michael on my left.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask Max as we walk into his trailer.

"I only have The Little Mermaid."

We laugh and make ourselves comfortable, somehow managing to get everyone to get a seat.

"Wait, didn't Alan Menken write the music for this?" I ask as the movie starts.

"I think so, why?" Aaron asks as he looks over at me.

"Cause he wrote the music for Newsies."

"Wait really?" David asks and I nod.

"Damn. We're gonna be movie stars." Michael says in a dreamy voice and everyone laughs.

About twenty minutes in I start yawning. I was tired from getting up super early and attempting to teach everyone the warm up.

"Ehi, stai bene? (Hey, you good?)" Dominic asks quietly and I nod tiredly.

"Semplicemente stanco. (Just tired.)"

He nods. "Vuoi tornare alla tua roulotte? posso alzarmi. (Do you want to go back to your trailer? I can get up.)" He was sitting between me and the door.

"No, voglio stare con tutti, ma grazie. (No, I want to be with everyone, but thanks.)" I smile at him and he nods again.

I end up falling asleep about half way through the movie, not able to keep my eyes open any longer.

"Isabella," Dominic says as he shakes my arm, waking me up.


"The movies over, Max is kicking us out."

"I am not. You don't have to leave but you can't stay here," Max protests. Christian laughs from where he was stretching. Dominic stands and holds his hand out for me to take.

"What time is it?" I yawn, standing up.

"Eleven. We let you sleep for a while." Dominic says and I nod, realizing we were the only ones in Max's trailer.

"Oh, thanks Max, sorry for keeping you up."

"Eh, it was nice talking to these guys." I nod and stretch my back before the three of us walk out. Christian turns right and waves at us as Dominic and I turn left.

"G'night guys!" He calls.

"Night Christian!" We call at the same time before sharing a small smile.

"A proposito, ti sei addormentato sulla mia spalla. (By the way, you fell asleep on my shoulder.)" Dominic says after a minute.

"Veramente? Scusate. (Really? Sorry.)"

"Va bene. Onestamente pensavo che Michael sarebbe stato sconvolto, ma a lui non sembrava importare. (It's fine. I honestly thought Michael was going to be upset, but he didn't seem to care.)"

"Sì, ne abbiamo parlato dopo che ci siamo baciati e abbiamo deciso di vedere dove andavano le cose. Se rimaniamo amici allora rimarremo amici, se entriamo in una relazione allora entriamo in una relazione. (Yeah, we talked about it after we kissed and decided to see where things were going. If we stay friends then we'll stay friends, if we get into a relationship then we get into a relationship.)"

Dominic just nods and doesn't say anything. "Penso che finiremo per rimanere amici però. Non dirglielo. (I think we'll end up staying friends though. Don't tell him.)"

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